
Are you optimistic or pessamistic when you look at the global warming and our efforts so far? and why?

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Are you optimistic or pessamistic when you look at the global warming and our efforts so far? and why?




  1. Our efforts, whether large or small, will only stall warming, not end it. As I've written many times before, global warming is cyclical and has been alternating with global cooling for as long as the planet has existed, some 4.5 billion years. Check a book on climatology and see for yourself.

  2. I'm actually both in this matter...

    I am pessimistic because I  can see that even though there are some who gives their effort to save our planet from global warming, it's still isn't enough!

    I am Optimistic because I know that there's still a way to fix all these...there's still hope if only all of us would take part of the action needed for this

  3. Yes I'm both as well.

    I'm pessimistic in that it's plain to see that we're not doing near enough to get through this 'perfect storm' of climate change, peak oil, and continued population explosion. We're already locked in to a future with far more extremes in temperature, far higher energy costs, and far more population problems (like starvations, wars, etc).

    But I'm optimistic because if we do this properly (mitigate global warming), we'll go a long way to solve at least the first two of the three above problems (and the population explosion might not be able to be stopped, but we'll ALL (meaning not just the rich nations but also those already living in absolute poverty) have a much better chance to adapt/survive). We do have the technologies, and globally we do have the resources. And if/when that's done, the sustainable habits that the whole world's population learns will likely make us much more able to cope with any other environmental problems in the future. We just have to do it.

    We have to.

  4. If you are referring to the U.S. as a whole it would be beyond stupid to say that our efforts are something to be proud of... at all. With President Bush as our leader refusing to sign the Kyoto Protocol in 2001 and the average American having their own gas guzzling car and driving to work alone. Sadly it's hard to be optimistic. But with all of the major crisis in the world it's hard to be optimistic about anything anymore/

  5. well any idiot in ther right mind can c that its all retarded i dnt belive in global warming cause its stupid and no it aint cause of no media its because its c**p its still gets very cold in the winter lemme ask yall this y on earth would it snow in bagdad if it was gettin hotter it aint snowed there in over 100 years i dont care wat scientest think if any thing its gettin hotter in diffrent places and colder where it used 2 be hot

  6. I am optimistic, the environMENTALS haven't done anything so far to inadvertently destroy our planet and with the recent cooling trend I think the movement will finally start to lose traction among the masses.

  7. i am extremely unhappy how the media pretends global warming isn't real to save money.  there are 918 scientific journals about global warming, and they all say it is true!!!! its only the media that says it isnt true, and they have NO proof, which is why so many people believe it isnt true!!! the media has the hold on the people!!! i wish the scientists would take a stand and show them how much worse we are making global warming.  global warming is a natural process, only humans are making it worse by sending unwanted carbon dioxide into the air, trapping the heat, making it warmer and warmer.  We are the reason the polar ice caps are melting, and if they continue to wither away to nothing, we'll have no sheild from the sun, because the polar ice caps are what redirects part of the sun's rays away from Earth, keeping it from overheating.  so yes, i am VERY unhappy

  8. I am extremely pessimistic. Governments and politicians are trying to make a case for controlling CO2 (a necessary gas) by implementing idiotic controls and taxes. They are using this lie to pad their own pockets (Al Gore and IPCC center stage).

    Unfortunately, a majority of people do not take the time to study the facts. They rely on the main stream media, who is constantly making up more new lies).

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