
Are you or anyone you know getting hay raked, baled and moved before the rain? Are you glad your busted up?

by  |  earlier

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And don't have to help? I do wished I could drive the truck but they won't even let me do that!!! My family is scurrying around to beat the rain! Have a good day!!!




  1. If I was there I would help.  Poppy

  2. City girl here, but I know what you are talking about. . . . If the hay gets wet, it mildews and is no good. . . I can drive a stick shift . I'd love to be there helping even if it were only to hold your hand and watch ! !  I'll pray the rain holds off . . . .good luck . ..

  3. We are near drought here. This is a good time of the year for harvest as a rule and being out amongst the hay and alfalfa is great. Just a drive through the country right now brings back a lot of child hood memories.

  4. yap, too wet will cause it to mildew.

  5. I already told you, TAKE IT EASY. If you don't you gonna be back in hospital again Babe.

    Let me drive the truck. It will make for an entertaining time tho, I ve never driven one before. Cant be too difficult tho. I can use a stick shift. As long as everyone can jump out of the way when I miss the brakes. LOL

    Just sit back, take it easy and relax. That's why we have all those kids, remember. Didn't go thro labour for no reason you know!!!!


  6. I still remember my mom driving an old farm truck thro the fields when she was young, with a small boy [me] bouncing along on the seat beside her.

  7. I loved it when I was younger, Arms all scratch up, Did you ever see how the Amish do theirs? How many cutting do you get? here they only do 2  

  8. I remember the days, so glad I don't have to do that anymore.  

  9. What in the world do you people do with your seeds anyway?  Are they the next cash crop for the wayward crows?  

    Look out for those skunks...I hear they get mighty upset when it rains on their parade & you people start stompin' around & turn their little ones into mashed mud goobers that stick to the bottoms of yer raingear!  

    You crack me up!  I thought only the Amish were still rakin' their hay.  Wishing you a safe harvest & a 1-800-florist type of a day!  I hear storage units in Hollywood are reduced for the farm report conventions so that all the high tech farmers can bring their crops with them in the rental trucks.

    Wow!  Smooth Move!  I hope you all can afford to travel this year...see ya at the county fairgrounds next to the John Deer harvesters.

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