
Are you or your partner a stay home parent?

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Are you or your partner a stay home parent?




  1. Partner??? g*y couples shouldn't have kids.

  2. I'm a SAHM of a 21 month old little girl and one due in Sept.  I also have a husband which equates to another child :D.  I love it and wouldn't change it for the world.  I tried to go back to work, but found I wasn't strong enough to leave her every day and quit.  It's been financially hard, but so worth it!  I love every minute of it and I don't think that I could do much different.  

  3. neither of us have kids. Its nice that you want to take some time with the child. They are so cute at that age. Plus, enjoy them, when they're 1 they start crying for stuff, since they get frustrated becaus they don't know how to talk yet. Then there are the terrible twos which sometimes go into 3's haha so now is the perfect time to have your baby and your husband's baby.enjoy them.  

  4. I am. Our son is 23 months old.  

  5. I have been a SAHM for 7+ years. It was maddening at times and most definitely under appreciated by my husband until this past year. He works a LOT and resents that, and I resent that he gets a bonus, time off (even just his drive to and from work) and what his work calls "atta boys" I never got that. BUT I did get confident and secure kids who had a parent at home helping them get ready for school and picking them up afterward. My youngest is long on stubborn and would not have fared to well with anyone, it took the patience of a mommy to deal with her and get her under control. If I was not her mother I could not have done it, but she is mine therefore I dig deep and find the patience. Also when the kids are sick etc. it is so nice not to worry about who is taking the day off. Though a few times I thought of holding them up over him while they puked for the 3rd day and he did not help LOL It is also good for them when they have a rough day to have a parent pick them up and comfort them.

    I just went to work this past year my youngest was in 1st grade and I got a job as an EA for our district so I work their hours. It has been wonderful earning my own money, a W-2 for the first time in 7 years felt great. But I would not trade in those years for anything. It was a big sacrifice for both of us, but one we agree was well worth it.

    Edit: the "atta boys" is just a job well done patt on the back so to speak. One or two of those a year would have been nice, maybe an "atta mommy" LOL

    Edit:  Sorry one more edit there are PLENTY of daycares that love the kids and think each and every one of them are special. My mother ran one for years and truly loved every child she watched. That is a low blow to working parents. My odlest was in daycare it was only after I got pregant for the second time we decided for me to stay home. She was a wonderful daycare provider, who also loved all the kids she had. Not even once did I have a doubt about her or she would not have watched my child.

  6. I am. We have one 8 month old son and another on the way. I had been busting my butt when I was pregnant with our son, but, now, I'm just as inclined to stay at home and spend time with the kiddo and keep the house tidy. I do however have an online business that brings in a small amount of money.

  7. Yes, I am a stay-at-home mom.  It is much much more difficult than I ever imagined it would be.  I work 24/7 to care for my girls and my husband and still feel like I'm not doing a great job!  Corporate bosses are much more recognizing of your achievements... and you get paid in business.  If you are considering working or staying home, I'd seriously consider keeping the job and asking for more flexible hours.

  8. Yes I am a stay at home mom, it gets stressful at times, but I wouldnt change it for anything.

  9. i am our son is 8 months old and although i would love to be the one to teach him everything as he grows id rather go back to work its kinda making me go insane staying home and not working  

  10. I am. I have a 7 yr old daughter and I'm 19 weeks pregnant with girl/boy twins. No career in the world is worth more than raising my kids myself. No amount of money is worth leaving my kids in a daycare where nobody loves them or thinks they are special. It has also been by far the hardest job I've ever had. To me it's not just mothering, but raising kids into adults that will be useful, likeable, well-adjusted people. I also do everything I can to make sure my hard-working husband doesn't have extra to do when he comes home. This will be nearly impossible to do for a few months after my twins are born, but I know I can count on the help of a good man.

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