
Are you part of the green movement?

by Guest59120  |  earlier

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If so, what are you doing that would be considered "green." And why are you doing it? Also do you think that Green is a trend or a way of the future?

Personally at first I thought that Green was just a trend, but now I think that it will be at least part of the future. I buy organic foods, and cleaning products. I also buy all natural dog food for my dogs.

I just would like to see how others are incorporating "green" into their lives.




  1. We keep the house at about 68 degrees in the winter and 78 degrees in the summer.  We use ceiling fans and make sure they are pushing the warm air downwards when it's cold outdoors.  In the spring, we reverse the blades so that the cool air is flowing down on us, and we feel cooler even in higher temperatures.  We also use oil-filled radiator heaters in the sections of the home we use the most - much more comfortable, efficient, and cheaper than using the forced air(which is very drying) in the whole house.

    I definitely believe that green is the wave of the future. Even new homes can be designed to be energy efficient:

  2. Its just a fad in which proponents try to tell other people how to live their everyday lives.

    "All natural dog food"  LOL

  3. I'm part of it. I'm only 15 and i reuse water bottles. i recycle all that i can and i don't waste food. whenever i want to get somewhere i either walk or ride my bike instead of asking for a ride in a car. if i do get a ride i take as many people as i can along with me to save money and the environment.

  4. I am green. I founded to show we can solve GW and peak oil. In fact, we have a great opportunity to control earth's surface temp.

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