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On October 7-13, 2007, straight people across the nation will "come out" as supporters of equal rights for g*y and L*****n Americans.

From Santa Rosa, California, to Montgomery, Alabama, to Augusta, Maine, overnight vigils will light up American cities, providing unprecedented visibility to heterosexual men and women with the conviction to stand up for their g*y and L*****n friends and neighbors.

This grassroots groundswell, dubbed Seven Straight Nights for Equal Rights, was initiated by Soulforce and Atticus Circle, two Texas-based organizations with members across the nation. With their support, straight community leaders are organizing vigils in towns like Greenville, South Carolina, Shreveport, Louisiana, Duluth, Minnesota, and Salem, Oregon.




  1. And here's where the policies are made:

  2. Absolutely not

  3. Nope. Just more leftist h**l raisers wanting to be more equal than anyone else. It will hurt g**s more than it helps. Again.

  4. i beleive that there is far less support for what you speak of while trying to convince people otherwise. Why is it you folks try to make the "loud MINORITY" what the "American Public" wants? I do not support g*y marriage and a "silent MAJORITY" of the American Public agrees with me.

  5. I am not

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