
Are you passionate about fighting?

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what type of fighting/martial arts/boxing do you do?




  1. I'm passionate about Martial Arts. I'm not passionate about fighting.  I will  go to great lengths to avoid a fight. That is why I train. Training gives me the confidence to not have to rush to a fight.

    If you mean sparring; I love to spar. sparring gives me a chance to enjoy the training and to improve my skill. I also like to challenge myself.

  2. yes I love the adrenaline rush

    I do Judo and im a crappy wrestler

  3. I do olympic style sparring tkd, and i like it, but only the competion, because through organized competion, one can find themself. I dont get a thrill out of real life fighting, and no one should, because fighting in real life is wrong, and can almost always be avoided. If you constantly fight in real world situations, you are only hurting yourself, and those around you.

  4. karate and brawling so yes

  5. I used to be as far as fighting myself or watching it but I don't enjoy watching it as much as I used to although the MMA type stuff has picked my interest somewhat with the added dimensions that it offers as well as the quality of some of its fighters.  Occasionally it is fun to still get out there and match skills, abilities, and toughness but I don't derive near the pleasure from it that I used to.  I actually derive more pleasure now from working and improving my students fighting abilities and making them better and seeing what they can do than actually fighting myself.  I still do an occasional tournament in sport karate, spire full contact with students as far as kickboxing and also wrestle or grapple with them and I do both karate and ju-jitsu.

  6. i do Tang soo Do and i fight for competitions and in class for a warm up or practice our moves.... I AM PASSIONATE ABOUT FIGHTING i love to sparr, i love the feeling i get when i win a match! or a trophy! IM A SHOWOFF AND I LIKE OTHER PEOPLE'S APPROVAL i guess :P

  7. Actually I'm passionate about the martial arts, not fighting.

    Fighting is just one aspect of the martial arts, there is also: philosophy, education, discipline, meditation, character enhancement, physical fitness, and physical education.

  8. yap

    i like Bruce Lee

  9. honestly... I am... and I'd like to take up kick boxing too.. the problem is that I would be the only girl in the group ... and it would make me feel terribly embarrassed...


  10. I am neither passionate nor apathetic. I'm learning wu shu/qi gong/tai chi/boxing, (I think it's called San da, now that I think about it) and I'm learning it for self-defense.

    Why should people be passionate about fighting? Fighting is a different skill than self-defense, in my opinion.

    If you say "are you passionate about learning?" I would say "YES, YES, YES" because I am 100% passionate about learning, not fighting. Wu shu rocks.

  11. it is fine to train as a martial artist, prepare yourself as realistically as possible and when the time comes, when you need to protect yourself, protect your love ones or see an injustice such as bullying, you should give it a go. This is the time to test what you have learn and trained for. See how you handle real pressure. Without real fighting experience, you can never be a great fighter. If you lack street fights, then, you should enter competitions or tournaments, to improve your fighting skill and gain experiences. There is a big difference between sparring and fighting, when you know that your head can be punch or kick for real. That there is a potential that you can be knockout. That is what i call real pressures. Some people trains for years, get false confidence, but when in real fights, panics and lose. It is better to lose in competitions, than street fights. and it is better to lose when you are defending yourself, then, when you are defending what is important to you, like your love ones, your sisters, your girl friends, mothers, ..etc.

    Therefore, if you want to be a great fighter, then, real  fighting is a must. You must welcome it when opportunities arrive and think of it as a chance to gain experiences (ofcourse there are risks.). There are no great fighters out there that has not been involves in real fighting in street fights or tournament full contact. There has never been any creator of the martial arts who has not tested them in real fights. If you are learning the art, so should you test it in the real fight to see if it works or not.

    Don't go and create fights, don't bully others, but when someone try to bully you or your love ones, give it a go with no hesitations. Don't shy away from it or try to avoid it. Otherwise, you will learn nothing.  There will always be doubt on your mind whether you can fight in real pressure situation, or you may get false confidence and think that you can fight., only to find out later that you can't.  Fighting experiences is a must for all who want to be a great fighter or a great master.

    Sparring in class is not enough. Same partners, same rules, too predictable...

  12. Nope, I was never passionate about fighting. Hated it as a kid and went to great lengths to avoid them. Still do, but it doesn't mean I never got into any fights though. What I'm passionate about is living life to the fullest and women of course : P  But to do that, you need to stay alive and healthy, which is why I train for self defense and have mastered the hundred meter dash, so I can continue to pursue my passions : )

  13. Im just going to echo a lot of what was already written here. I don't like to fight, but I love the art. I do spar but even then I go to great lengths to make sure I don't hurt the person I'm sparring with. I see the importance of praticing the techniques as close to full speed as you can, but if I hurt my training partner then I get to practice with no resistance. I find myself severely dwarfing the people I spar Height, strength, and weight, hence the care taken not to hurt them.

  14. No and never have been,my main motivation throughout my adult life was to survive and get back home safely but I am very passionate about martial arts history and learning from other people.

    Best wishes :)***

  15. I like to watch it.  I'm a girl and I'm going to take up kick boxing!!

  16. I am passionite about Martial Arts, but not about fighting. I am passionite about training self defense, and training others as realisticly as possible, but I'll leave the fighting(as in street) to people who have more to prove then I do.

  17. Kung fu in street fighting form

  18. Why would people want to be passionate about violence?

    Martial arts is about stopping violence.

    Fighting and struggling is negative.

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