
Are you passionate about finding someone to be with in your life?

by Guest67174  |  earlier

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To be wanted?

To be loved?

To be respected?




  1. I have found my someone and i'm totally passionate about him!


  2. I think I should get more passionate about it...

    I would love to be wanted for me

    I would love to love someone who loved me for me

    I would love to be respected

    and I would love to have someone with whom to share these feelings♥

  3. I have had all that, and I`m too old and set in my ways to look for another love. Besides I would have a hard time finding another like her.

  4. yeah badly i want that but every girl ive been with has been either pyscho or doesnt want me after awhile! but one day i will find that girl that will give me all that  

  5. yeah!!! it hurts me every day because i always feel i will never find the "mr.right" and i'm that girl that would love a guy who loves me back and respects me and wants kids!!! i am a teen and i feel like i wont find him!!!!! i dream about the "mr.right" and i cry when i feel like no one wants me!!!! i want to be wanted and i'm afraid i wont be!!!!! i think it is normal for a girl to be wanted liked and loved!!!!! but i have to wait and so do you!!!!! it seems like forever or that it wont happen but we will find out some day!!!!! try to live life and dont be one of those people who always think about it and dread it later!!!!! just think about the things you could miss when we cry about finding "mr.right"!!! when you know you will eventually find him later!!! love ~LEAH~

  6. Not so much, I did find someone, but I just cant handle being in a relationship right now.  I thought I wanted to be wanted, loved, and respected, but it was stressing me out.  I know this sounds so selfish and stupid to have given up on love, but I just have so much baggage that I need to fix and I cant fix it when I have so much responsibility.  I don't know what to do, I am losing this battle.  Am I doomed to be alone forever?

  7. ok, this may sound cold, but my husband and I are not soul mates. We care about each other, but we are not in love. We love each other, but that's it. I used to be wanted by him, now i am wanted when he is sick of the net and wants a real woman.

    Love ?? Not here.

    Respected, yes, we respect one another.

    I am passionate about my writing career, but my soul mate in this life, I have not found yet.

    I dont think I will, either.

    My hubby and I  " settled" for each other, now we have two great kids, and we are content, not happy, but content.

  8. I was, and still am. But I found her over 40 years ago. Now, 3 sons, 3 daughters-in-law, 8 grand kids, 1 new grand son-in-law, 40 + dogs,(3 currently) I am probably the luckiest guy alive. God, love, respect, compassion, etc. still reign at our house as richly as if yesterday was our wedding day.

  9. I have that someone in my life. The funny thing is we found each other when I finally just stopped looking for it. I gave up & then he was there. Odd. *smile*


  10. Wow, this is why i usually ask the questions instead of answering them; just so I don't have to let people know what I think..  :P

    I think if it happens, it happens. I'm not looking. If the opportunity presented itself, I would probably run at first then I may be willing to give love a chance.  I would most likely be a "difficult fish to land", but hopefully she would consider me a good catch if she did land me... lol

    With the right person I may even be willing to do some fishing myself...

  11. Yes, I am very passionate about that, because it's all I've ever wanted.

    "Loving someone is nothing. Being loved is something. But loving someone and being loved in return is everything."

    I might not have that quote exactly right, but it's very similar. And I agree with it.

    I think that everyone really wants to be wanted, and loved, and respected. No matter how much anyone ever denies it, I know it's the truth. We're only human...


  12. Yes, I am. I have a strong desire to find someone who would be willing to let me love them. After going through the issues in my marriage that have lead me to divorce, I have realized that I still have a strong want to find that one person who will compliment me and what I have to offer.

  13. OH yes! That is my dream. As I get older and older, I feel the hope of that diminishing. I never had any luck with guys, but I was married for 10 years to a real jerk, to put it nicely. I left him. Since I have a personality disorder, it would have to be an angel from heaven that could tolerate my mood changes. I can always hope and pray that it will happen. I never totally give up.  

  14. Ka sara sara .

  15. yes, but it sometimes must take a back seat to other things more important in my life

  16. I am passionate about life, and have hope of finding a partner to share it with.

  17. YES!!!! I can't wait to find the right person out there for me. I think that I have but its really to early to tell and i dont wanna jinks it lol.

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