
Are you passionate about living?

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What makes you passionate?




  1. its full of surprises,

    i dont want it to be easy and soft,

    i like challenegs coming in my way everyday,

    what do we have to lose?! so lets enjoy it.

  2. nope, i feel no passion and sometimes wonder if any of my feelings are real or just manufactured so that i don't seem really odd to other humans. i have a choice. to feel or not to feel.

  3. I am just passionate about life.  

  4. Yes.

    Pleasing God.

  5. Yeah, i just returned from 30mins of exercising. I intend to increase to 45mins of  daily gym work or brisk walking to improve my health. Exercising starts my day well and invigorates me throughout the day. I would like to take up a new outdoor hobby and learn a foreign language. Such passion keeps me occupied and life becomes more interesting and meaningful. There are so many useful things to know and experience about the world, and one should maintain a positive attitude of continual learning. Life is short, so everyone must smile, laugh more and  be passionate about living.  :-))

  6. As passionate as Im going to get.

    what make me passion

    Is life within itself

  7. ...very wife...thanks for asking...

  8. Yes, I am very passionate about living.   Before death of my lovely grandma, I never felt being alive is something you need to be passionate.  Death then became something horrible to even think about.   Death makes a lively person suddenly gone forever.   Many cultures and religions try to add some wishful thinking to death, like going to heaven, or soul will live forever.   Whatever in people's mind might be a lot different from reality.   If you put religious believes aside, just think when you die, you will be ended forever just like death of an ant.   Will that make you more passionate about living?

  9. I kinda like living. It's all I've done since birth.

  10. no at all death makes passionate

    if you realize what is life what a brief and cold pictures in you mind put together which we call memories, memories that are going to be blow by the wind in just seconds years banished until nothing is left  

  11. The one passion I have about living is that it gives me the opportunity and time to learn to experience/know God and daily learn to love Him more and more+

  12. People who aren't are rather sad don't you think?  If is refreshing to be with a person who is passionate and it is pure bliss to be a person who is passionate.    

  13. Yes.

    Yahoo! Answers!

  14. I've loved many, done the extraordinary, learned much and still learning that no one or nothing should be taken for granted, good and evil are huge navigators in the stepping stones to discovering who we are and where we want to be.  There are thousands of souls that have crossed my path and some walk with me everyday.  The journey is my life, I've cried, nearly died and always pray. "Please Lord, I am being accountable for my own behavior, please enjoy me in good days and forgive my bad days but always love me and allow me peace of mind".

    Peace Be Still

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