
Are you paying bt's £4.50 for not paying by direct debit. Has anybody not paid it and got away with it?

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Are you paying bt's £4.50 for not paying by direct debit. Has anybody not paid it and got away with it?




  1. Do you have an alternative supplier ? If you do you can play them off against one another. Ring to cancel and tell them the only reason your leaving is of this charge which the other supplier doesn't levy.

  2. BT I am  getting sick of them.... They keep sending me a bill for £18.99 for a mobile phone which I have not got. Never had one... do not want one... I was on the phone for about 45mins the other day, and then they cut me off, when I was trying to stop them sending these bills.Plus I am trying to get my money back on previous bills which they have taken from my bank account .I thought I might try suing them... any thoughts on that one... ?

  3. i argued with bt about this. i was paying by direct debit and at one time i was £120 in credit. i phoned and demanded my money back ,which i got. i said i dont want them taking more than i owe so i wanted to cancel my direct debit. i was told that to have a bill i would have to pay £4.50 a month. i said  " please dont make me angry" or words to that effect. after a long chat i was offered an alternative. i could receive a bill for the calls i make. if i agreed with the bill by not  contacting them, they would then take that amount from my bank with no hidden charges.  it works fine and i dont pay £4.50 for the priviledge of paying  what i owe. phone them and kick up a big fuss. they dont want to offer you that option but they have to.

  4. just pay by direct debit.

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