
Are you people not worried about genetically modified food at all???

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i'm scared!




  1. Do you ever heard that genetically modified human babies coming soon?

    (Pls do not thump down. I know u would not like it but this is true)

  2. I sorry but you should be

  3. Especially those who are vegetarian should worry.  Your tomatoes are "modified" with fish genes.  

    It's true humans have been modifying seeds since the dawn of agriculture by selecting which seeds to grow and creating hybrids, but today's modified seeds are truly a different, and more dangerous creature.

    Vote with your diet.  Force agribusiness to come to their senses by  buying non-GMO products & supporting your local food co-op and farmer's market.  Or better yet, start your own garden.  That way, you are 100% sure what's in your food.

  4. I'm more concerned with the genetically modified grain being fed to farm animals. The pesticides, herbicides, antibiotics, growth hormones, and other various chemicals used on intensively farmed animals. I'm not quite sure who you mean by "you people", but GM food isn't ideal but unless your on an organic diet it's likely your eating it too. And yes the unknown side effects of genetically modifying our food is rather concerning.

  5. "You people?"  What do you mean "You people"?  Of course I'm worried about genetically modified food! That's why I am a conscious consumer (and a vegan).

  6. Nope.  It will help reduce farm chemical use, increase productivity to help feed the starving people of the world, and may one day lead to making medicines.  Worst case scenario, it won't.

  7. ignorance is bliss.

  8. Why? Its delicious.

  9. You've  probably been eating gmo food from birth since gmo plants have existed for more than 30 years.

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