
Are you people with or against chechens ?regarding their conflict with russia?

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Are you people with or against chechens ?regarding their conflict with russia?




  1. I am against radical Muslims and Al Quaeda that make up at least part of the Chechen resistance.  I don't like to see Russians or anyone else imposing their will militarily on innocent people.  If they support radical Muslim groups or Al Quaeda then I would prefer that they get crushed.

  2. I 100% support the right of the Russian people to defend themselves against terorists.

    They should give them no quarter and try to ignore the political correctness that is bogging down the fight in the West.

  3. The Chechans ARE Muslims, and so, they are subjected to Russian Imperialism, while the Palestinians are subjected to Christian, US, and UK Imperialism, in the invasion since 1882, intended to offer a counter-invasion to the Victorian Era adversary, the Ottomans.

    Turkey is in NATO, but see what happened in Cyprus?

    The 100 Years War, with Catholics accepting terms or devastation, could happen, any second, since eventually, in the moments to come, wiggly fellows must admit who waffles, on issues.

    Why do CHRISTIANS think the Davidian Jews can keep persecuted Ethiopian Jews out of Irael, until 2000?  The starvin' marvins had to prove their DNA was more Cohen, and the high court had to rule on it.

    They were persecuted because the Christian west, Vatican and British Imperialists, wanted to turn the marginal Jewish presence in ancient Irael and Judea into a FOURTH CRUSADE, which incited, since the 1882 invasion of Palestine and several sub-dominant wars, the two WORLD WARS.  Eh!  The Muslims are the target of the post-cold war Russians AND US AND UK AND world catholicism, and so McCain with his 100 years remark is RIGHT ON THE FENCE, which can detonate, but he is informed and he knows kinda what he's doing.

    Not as good as Obama, who can shoot hoops, today, never mind Hillary until she wants to get weazle shagged on TV.  Or until Chelsea wants to go out, on TV.  Or Bill-bo gets a habit.  And Hillary has to f**t and get paid, instead of get in trouble.

    So people who think they want more trouble with Islam are mad idiots, who are unfunded, by their own deregulation of energy providers, or the power abusers are home, free, in the USA and in the UK, and nobody plans to land the WORLD ECONOMY in on a dime, in 2009, so spare one.

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