
Are you planning to buy a car? BBC needs to interview a family.?

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Are you planning to buy a car? BBC needs to interview a family.?




  1. No thanks, I just bought one.

  2. No i am not planning to buy any car.

  3. Yes.  A german car in the US.

  4. Sorry, no.  My car, although 8 years old with a new rebuilt engine (under warranty but Chrysler would NOT pay for this old oil sludged engine) is PAID FOR.  I do not drive many miles per year.........perhaps 5,000 miles max/year..............SO I plan to keep this car until it goes to the "grave yard".  I do NOT want the increase in costs of new car payments, higher insurance, etc.  Just trying to "hold our own" and save as much $ as possible since our Politicians here in the States seem to not know what economic responsibility is.

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