
Are you playing group dance songs at your wedding? YMCA, macarena, etc.? Don't know if I should...?

by Guest63599  |  earlier

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I personally can't stand all those cheesy old songs and was going to eliminate them from my wedding reception altogether. But in speaking with a couple of my friends about the wedding, they all told me that those songs (while cheesy) unite people and make them want to dance.

What do you think?




  1. If your friends want you to play them for their own benefit, then go for it. Personally, I think those songs are fun. However, if your friends only think you should play them, but aren't fussed as far as they themselves go, and you don't like them yourself, then don't play them. You're allowed to play whatever you want.

  2. Im not a fan.

    You cant make me dance with those cheesy numbers; if the music is good, Ill dance.

  3. only the cornballs like those songs. play music that YOU like. it's YOUR wedding and it represents you. i hate those group songs that unite people. they only unite the fools.

  4. What about throwing in a couple that you at least like a little. You don't have to do every group dance song known to man, but one or two really does help the party along. One that I like is the Cha-Cha slide, it's a little more current and since the directions are right in the song a lot of people are willing to dance to it.

    Note from a wedding I just went to: make sure that you have some people you know that would be willing to be the first people out there and maybe start the group dances a little later. The wedding I was just at started the electric slide at like 8 PM and only three very brave people went out there at first and were only joined by two others by the end of the dance.  

  5. Look at those from the prospective of them being fun for others.

    Cheesy, yes, but the intent is to entertain, involve people in having a good time.

    As a DJ, I have never left those out, simply because every wedding I've done WANTS that kind of involvement.

    If there are to be any children present, this adds yet another reason to include such.

    Imagine the photo  ops, too!

  6. Omg for the love of God dont! My husband and i always wonder why people even dance to those songs including the chicken dance. arrghhh!!!! There alot better music out there. Just choose really up-beat music that makes people dance in their chair and later on the dance floor.

  7. Shoot me if these songs get played at my wedding (one of the many reason we're just having our iPod ... no DJ to s***w it up and "accidentally" play one of these songs).

    There's no reason why you should concede and play those songs. No one will miss them, and quite frankly, most people will be happy that you didn't play them.

  8. They do get people on the dancefloor. 'Spesh if they're kinda shy.

    But it's your wedding - will you be standing on the floor with them or be sitting at the side complaining?

    Enjoy the wedding xx

  9. I just came from 2 weddings this month & last month, & I come from a Russian culture where weddings are a Huge deal for us... and I personally agree with you and hate those group dance songs also. At all the weddings, including the 2 I just came from, didn't play those songs, and yet Everyone was still on the dance floor.

    So I would suggest, it's your wedding, and if you don't want to cringe when you see great aunt Lois fall & hurt herself because she's done 1 too many "Palegria Macarena's" then go with your gut instinct & cut them out. It doesn't mean you can't have fun songs that people can dance and sing along with, but I hate instructional dance songs.

    Congrats by  the way!! =)

  10. I done YMCA and The Macarana at my wedding and every1 had a blast!

    I wasn't particulary keen on the idea of people at my wedding dancing to old cheesy songs like u, but it was so much fun after the first couple of songs!

    Go for it.

  11. The two most requested and least cheesy line dances are...

    1)  The Electric Slide

    2)  The Cha-Cha Slide

    There's a newer one out now called THE CUPID SHUFFLE, which is pretty popular with the younger set... and easy to teach.

    Not-so-easy to teach, but still popular with the younger crowd is CRANK THAT (SOLJA BOY, TELL 'EM).  You can look up how the dance is done on YOU TUBE.

    Whatever you do, have fun!

  12. I went to a friend's wedding recently and they played the was hilarious because one of my other friends pretty much dragged her boyfriend to the dance floor with her and he was so unenthusiastic the whole time...I couldn't stop laughing.

    And if you're in your wedding dress you'd probably have an excuse not to do it, so you could just laugh at everybody

  13. A lot of times those songs are the only ones I feel comfortable dancing to and it is a great way to get people on the dance floor.  Maybe chose one you can semi-handle.  

  14. I really think it would be fun!

    Those cheesy songs would probably make everyone laugh and dance.

    But, lol, it's up to you! You have the final word.

    Have a fabulous wedding!

  15. Shoot! i love those goofy lame cheesy songs!!! even though they are dumb (most of them) People still get up and dance to them, every time!

    Dont frget to include the line dance mamba song!

  16. They are cheesy, but I think they are fun and give a nice sense of nostalgia.  If you like them go for it! Don't worry about them being cheesy.

  17. They've played at every reception I've ever been to. I have danced at every reception I've ever been to.

    As long as there's an open bar though, I don't think it matters WHAT song is playing LOL

  18. No. Those are the songs you pull out when you're desperate for people to get up and dance.  It's not planned!

  19. My husband hates those songs, so we didn't have them.

    However, we're from Louisiana so playing Cajun music got them on the dance floor.  And the younger ones all got up when we played hip hop songs.  If they wanna have fun, they don't need the Chicken Dance to do it!

  20. I agree with everyone! Those songs are the best! Everyone already knows they're cheesy, so no one is going to think that you're lame or anything.  And even though everyone does think they're cheesy, they'll still dance because it's fun!

    They also give people who are afraid of dancing a chance to dance. Everyone can do the YMCA, but not everyone will dance to a song that doesn't have specific moves.  

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