
Are you pleased Lisbon was rejected?

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not offically i know but i just seen this question where someone said they are enbarrased to be irish today. do you agree or disagree with the comments




  1. No, I am not. Personally, I do NOT see what was wrong with this treaty.

    Abortion was not an issue. Neither was conscription, nor euthanasia, nor our neutrality. Basically, every argument the Anti-Treaty (Sounds like the history books, right?) made was essentially a lie. Scare-mongering. I feel that the treaty was great, is was going to help us with regards industry and inward investment and not to mention farming. Yet due to the momentum of the No Campaign, lots of Irish people decided to 'Jump on the band wagon' and vote NO, barely knowing what the treaty was about.

    Yet, this is the result, and Europe must respect that. Unfortunately, it seems that they are pressing ahead with the ratification of the treaty in the remaining countries. Let's just hope we don't lose out on the benefits it was going to bring to our country, and the rest of the E.U.

  2. I think its great.  A small little country like ireland still has that strong irish punch!  Trying to make the irish submit to a higher authority?.  If anything the EU should be doing things the irish way.  Per capita GDP is 40% above that of the four big European economies and the second highest in the EU behind Luxembourg, and in 2007 surpassed that of the United States!!   I think ireland knows what they are doing with their low taxes, ban on abortion and everything else that they are doing right.

  3. No.  My name's not Rupert Murdoch and I don't publish newspapers with pictures of half-naked young girls telling the thick and the ignorant what to do.

  4. I am a new Irish citizen, and shame I couldn't vote, but still happy the no won.

  5. Yes I'm very happy! You hear Biffo(Brian Cowen Taoiseach) on TV & radio saying that the country is going into dark waters, as if to frighten all Irish people!! Ireland is a democratic state & if we were to do what the government was to tell us it wouldn't!

    They kept the full details of the lisbon treaty hidden & didnt give the citizens enough information!

    I feel it would have been a bad thing for Ireland, during the current economy crash thats happening. Yes I said crash cause thats what it is! If we still had the Punt(old irish pound) it would be falling out of the stock market right now!

    The Lisbon Treaty would have made it twice as bad!!

  6. looks like the rest of europe will go ahead and ratify it leaving ireland out on its own begging for the scraps off the table, well done lads were screwed, might as well learn polish now as after35 years in the eu we will have less power than them

  7. i think anyone that voted no is a fool

  8. I think a no vote was inevitable because the government made a complete hash of explaining the benefits of a yes vote. But I think Ireland was wrong to vote no, it's a mistake we'll regret.

  9. Yes very happy, I voted no because we have been lied to by or government alot over the last few years and what was stopping them lieing again I believe europe is gaining way too much power over our country and that is not good for us at all.

  10. delighted.

  11. No im not pleased. I voted yes, now all of us will have to suffer in the future...

  12. I was trying to understand what exactly it is by reading several leaflets packed into my Letter box, but couldn't get a real picture. Anyway as I feel, there is no reason for anyone to be ashamed of their own decision. That is democracy.

  13. Yes well done Ireland!!!

  14. yes i am happy

    it shows our government and the rest of europe that the irish don't take and won't take kindly to being bullied by those at the tope who try to dictate to us what to do.

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