
Are you pleased that Obama dumped Hillary as VP?

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Are you pleased that Obama dumped Hillary as VP?




  1. There was no way that he could put her on the ticket due to not only the things she and Bill said, their behavior over the last  20 months that could justify him putting her on.  I am not over the fact that Billary feel that she was owed a spot.  I have my issues with Obama, but will vote with Hillary off the ticket.  But if trickery prevails at the convention, and she somehow ends up on the ticket, I will not vote democratic.

  2. Obama + Clinton = Obama.

    Obama + Biden   = McCain.

  3. Comrade Obama beat Comarde Hillary like a rented mule.  She's on her knees and he's still whipping her as he embarks on his Democratic party purge.  Even Charlie Rangle, the chairman of the house ways and means committee and most powerful democrat in congress got dissed with no speaking time at the convention.  This came as a complete surprise to me.  It seems no one in the Democratic party is safe from this new socialist wave.

    Billary will speak at the convention to unite the party with an eye on 2012 but will be tossed to the trash heap with other competitors like Wesley Clark.  It's a blast to watch.  Like a car wreck.  Horrible to see but, you can't avert your eyes.

  4. Oh Yes, You know hillary isint going to go down without a fight though! /popcorn

    The way he did it was a complete smack in her face... this is gonna be fun!

  5. I'm not exactly pleased that he is running at all. Recent events have left me begging for a 3rd contender, but I will vote for Obama to get rid of the Fundies. Hillary wouldn't like being VP. Biden is a better choice for that.

  6. The campaigns got far too personal and bitter for there to be any trust between the two of them. The Idea was a non starter  

  7. No, she wasn't dumped -- he never even thought about picking her.

  8. I was surprised she wasn't in the running but i suppose if he's standing for "Change", he had to dump her.

  9. Dumped Her? According to his Campaign,he never even considered her as a possibility.

    NObama 08'

    August 4 President

  10. I am glad he did. He might have had a chance to become President, but now he will be regulated to history's losers.  McCain 2008  whoooohoooo

  11. Exceedingly.

  12. yes i am asa otherwise if he had her he could quite possibly be elected  

  13. There was no dumping involved, he simply did not choose her as his running mate, which is his choice...or more likely the choice of the party.

    There were a lot of reasons not to choose Hillary, just like if she would have been the Presidential hopeful there would have been a lot of reasons for her not to choose him.

    People who are angry just need to get over it and do what is right for the party.

  14. The question suggests that you thought she was ever considered for VP.  I've never seen any basis for such a belief. Even when she reached out and made that suggestion long ago, that there might be a joint ticket, Obama (whom most of his supporters agree is the smartest person in America) interpreted this as an offer of the VP spot (which it clearly was not).

    So, no, I'm neither pleased nor displeased, I'm not surprised, I knew she was never on the list, short or otherwise.  

  15. Indifferent. I don't even care about this race anymore because every single one of them is the same. They all believe in continuing this war in Iraq and Afghanistan. They all believe in debasement of the currency. They all believe expanding the Government. So they all can kiss my tuckuss.

  16. Dumped?  I wouldn't go that far.

    I am glad he chose Biden over Hillary though.  She'll make a good selection for his cabinet and she'll be happy.

  17. How can you "dump" someone who was never the VP in the first place?

  18. I don't think she was ever a consideration to begin with.  

  19. Obama had just screwed up his chances at a presidential tilt. Democratic voters were split, it was 51% Obama, 49% Clinton. Obama did not unite these factions who may vote for McCain, seeing how their woman hero just got spurned.

  20. i had no idea he did that.. haha, really?

    Umm in a way yes because she just annoyed me..and i didnt want her for presidency anyway.. so im not gonna want her for vice president.. lol

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