We now have 50 percent divorce rate, with most divorces initiated by women. We have record number of abortions, fewer people having children, and girly metrosexual men. Isn't this awesome how equal everything has become? We now have single women in their 40s going to work in corporate america in their pants suits and pregnant men on tv. We have men getting manicures and brazilian waxes, and we have professional tackle football leagues for women. Isn't it awesome how much aids and stds have spread since the 70s because women are now told that they can and should sleep around just like guys...and the guys are too dumb to tell them know? Isn't it awesome that two girls kissing is now considered "so 90s" and real chicks have to do something impressive to get a guys attention? Yeah, that sure beats the old days when boys and girls shared a milkshake and watched a movie together. Don't you think feminism is awesome for making America a lot better, and a lot more "progressive"?