
Are you pleased with how feminism has changed America?

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We now have 50 percent divorce rate, with most divorces initiated by women. We have record number of abortions, fewer people having children, and girly metrosexual men. Isn't this awesome how equal everything has become? We now have single women in their 40s going to work in corporate america in their pants suits and pregnant men on tv. We have men getting manicures and brazilian waxes, and we have professional tackle football leagues for women. Isn't it awesome how much aids and stds have spread since the 70s because women are now told that they can and should sleep around just like guys...and the guys are too dumb to tell them know? Isn't it awesome that two girls kissing is now considered "so 90s" and real chicks have to do something impressive to get a guys attention? Yeah, that sure beats the old days when boys and girls shared a milkshake and watched a movie together. Don't you think feminism is awesome for making America a lot better, and a lot more "progressive"?




  1. Divorce rates are at their lowest levels since the 70's. Abortion rates have also been dropping. If fewer people want to have children, that's their decision entirely. It's the same for metrosexuality. There is no legitimate opposition to single women in their 40's in corporate America, pantsuits or none. There is no direct link between feminism and STDs or promiscuity.

  2. Yes.  However, we have a way to go yet.

  3. As a man with a daughter yes I am. I'd hate to live in a world where she had to stay at home and be forced to be married to some jackass who didn't treat her well. Doesn't mean that I think feminism is perfect however.

  4. Ah, the good old days...Where women didn't have to worry about politics or working, when a man hit you it was "discipline" not "abuse", where if you were forcefully impregnated you still had the child (or practically kill your self doing it the back alley way).

    d**n feminists ruined it all!!!!

  5. Oh you can't blame feminism for all of that, sure, it was another nail in society's coffin, but hardly the sole contributer to the process of degeneration.

  6. Okay, what does equality have to do with men getting manicures and brazilian waxes.

    Whenever there is a great societal change, the pendulum swings far from one side to another, then over time it come back and settles into the new normal.

    I hate that we have such a horrible divorce rate, I hate abortion (for myself), I hate some of the other ideas and issues we are dealing with...but do I blame them solely of know better and some of you must as well.

    I am not a child, I lived through a great deal of that change in society and there were serious problems and issues long before the last historical major change.

    Do you want to turn back the clock, how far shall we go.  Do we go back to not being able to vote, blacks not being able to vote, separation of the races, slavery, debtors prison, children workers?

    I still like men's professional football (Cheifs), milkshakes and movies.

  7. no...i would prefer 1875 myrself...everyone doesnt want hi tech stuff constantly and such a demanding world..

  8. No. I'm not pleased with it, not the least bit.

  9. You bet!  choices choices choices - ya gotta luv it!  As for the downside of America - blame the ACLU ~

  10. Yes, I do I love feminism thank the Creator for feminists. You want to know why people divorce. Because a lot of husbands are lazy, controlling, abusive, cheaters who don't spend time with their wives.

    Funny how everyone thinks these women are divorcing because their husbands were sooooooo gooooood to them. They bought them flowers, pleased them in bed, did half of the work and were kind and understanding that's why women are getting divorces because they don't like being treated like princesses. Silly them.

    Men have been perverted since the beginning of time last I checked it takes two to tango and if men are so morally correct then they should use their balls (they have them for a reason) and simply refuse to act like whores. But that would be too hard to do so instead they sleep around like s***s. Men are the ones looking at other girls kissing not women. Men are the ones that pass around more STDS. It is the man that puts fluids into the woman's body. Men rarely get STDS from women but they sure do spread them a lot. If you have a problem with women working in corporate America then move to Jordan so you can kill women for honor to your sexist little hearts desire that is assuming you have a heart. Abortions help keep over population down dun dun dun!!! Maybe if men kept their dicks in their pants there would be no problem with abortion rates and STDs what do you think.

  11. oh totally. because guys can sleep around. guys dont spread STDS, women do. guys do everything for women.  they beat them, make them do the houswork and stay knocked up with a baby in their bare feet. women should only be allowed to wear skirts of knee length or lower, their time should be spent knitting, cooking, and cleaning. women cant be educated, or take part in physical activity. no siree.

    if guys say women cant do something, its strictly forbidden.

    women dont have brains, infact, they are only good for making babies and being personal slaves for men.

    jackass. im being sarcastic.

    half your information is wrong and sexist.

    *we DONT have record number of abortions

    *aids and stds are spread by men too, men give it to women, women give it to men.

    *and its great that guys can get manicures. if i have to shave my legs, pluck my eyebrows and put on makeup, men should at least look decent, not like cavemen.

    *women arent TOLD that they can sleep around. some do because they can. because its a FREE COUNTRY. and more girls encourage condoms than guys.

    *there are over 6 billion people in this world, i doubt how much more we can take with all of the starving 3rd world countries. if people dont want to have children, they shouldnt be forced.

    im so sorry that single women can now work instead of living in poverty. its such a shame they get educations nowadays.

    if there was a draft (hope to god there isnt) i would fight in it. but some women do have a point. its hard to put women in direct combat because they can get raped if they are captured or injured. and most MEN dont want to fight in the drafts, because you should want to join the army, not be forced.

  12. You know what I love it... All the positives and all the faults... Yeah!  Women and men can file for divorce when it doesn't work and the only ones who don't like the idea are the lousy abusive partners getting left in the aftermath.  Good people get married to good people and don't divorce. Fewer children and yet the orphanages and foster homes are still crowded?  Good for the metro boys who want to get waxed and cr@p and now can and have legal actions if someone tries to judge them for it. Good for women working, and the he/she having the baby.  Yeah women love tackle football.  AIDS and STDS are not the fault of feminism... I have never seen feminist pushing for women or men to sleep around unprotected.  What screwed that up was the free love movement that didn't face the idea of consequences for their actions.  Oh big deal girls kiss at least no one can get away with killing them for being bi-curious.  It is not feminist problem if parents don't teach their boys to say no... by the way I knew a male that was a 28 year old virgin and a feminist supporter.  As for your idea of the old days you may want to do a little more research...  

  13. There is little I fear more; no rather NOTHING I fear more than modern Feminism.

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