
Are you pleased with the way the governments have handled Gustav so far?

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I believe we learned our lesson after Katrina. What do you think?Who was really to blame for how Katrina was handled? Weren't we all responsible?




  1. I think that we did much better now that we were prepared and we could assume that the levis wouldn't hold. And yes, we are responsible for these hurricanes because of global warming.  

  2. Let's wait and see.  

  3. I'm glad to see the mayor learned his lesson the last time and took the responsibility of his duties to order a mandatory evacuation. At least he didn't sit around and wait for the Federal government to bail his butt out. He is the Mayor of New Orleans, it's time he started acting like it.

  4. We? How about their local and state government. We live in metro Houston and had a s***w up with our local and state government during Katrina by getting trapped on the freeway for 18 hours. We pay them with our tax dollars to keep us safe. I think I did my part.

  5. I think so

    I live in Mississippi about 20 minutes from Biloxi and 35 minutes from Gulfport and they got everyone that needed a ride or shelter to safety.  I've been watching New Orleans too, they were so much better than 3 yrs. ago, so far, I'm very pleased.

    Good luck to all that's affected by the Hurricane.........we said a prayer last night for all last night.

  6. The us goverment has always handle , these thing well. I dont know what planet the new generation. is on but

    after viewing katrina, and all the stuff the u.s went through, plus poor president bush, if i ever say hurricane i start to vommit, i honestly have not been keep taps. i am a regular news watcher, when current and regular events happen, i get a little upset, shock and stund, it also tell me that im alive. and these thing happen, but i believe that hurricane is done. will wait for the next , and i done know when life will get better for us in a hurricane. weather events such

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