
Are you posh?

by  |  earlier

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  1. I do try to be posh at times, but I cant do it everytime, especially when I am not rich!

  2. no such thing as u mean well mannered.

  3. i dont think i am i dont act it but they way i talk gets mocked sometimes o well

  4. I should jolly well say so, what. d**n decent of you to ask old boy. Good show. Toodle pip.

  5. no

  6. All My Mates Say I Am Coz I Go To A Boarding School And Live In The South Of England Hehe

  7. only if you look at my bank account, i have good taste though but not s****..

  8. Depends what you mean by posh.

  9. nope

  10. yes, this site may be common but I am a cut above this rabble.

  11. Nope - Common as muck!

  12. Far from it

  13. rarthar!

  14. Yeah mate, I sure is. Just feelin' a bit cream crackered right now. Only just got up and come down the old apple and pears. 'Ad a right skinful last night. Been up with the trots most of the night. Must have been something in that ruby murray that I 'ad after the ol' rubadubdub shut.

  15. Nope. I'm me. Take it or leave it.

  16. Well I'm a probably not!

  17. I'd like to think I am!

  18. i am. apparently. im from kent. mwarf
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