
Are you prepared for Hurricane Gustav, or do you feel panicky?

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I'm not even down there, & I feel bad for my family. I'm praying for them. I heard it was a Category 3 coming in by the weekend. Is everyone evacuating now? Do you think it will be as bad as Katrina? I went through Katrina, & it was terrifying. I'm pretty sure you all can relate.

Bad thing is that 1 of my sisters refuses to take the other to evacuate another sister with her, & she ha a car, & my other sister doesn't.




  1. I dont feel panicky just hopeless and tired  

  2. we are prepared, but im still really panicky

    this cant happen to us again, we just gettin back on our feet

  3. Early preparation means everything if you live on the gulf coast.

    Myself I have a room reserved in Mesquite Tx for the whole week I  rode Rita,never again.

  4. Preparing to panic is the boat Im in.  I will have everything pack and sitting by the door before I go to bed tonight.  Pray nobody will have to put the preparations to work.

  5. I wait see, watch the birds, the naked men running in my yard. if he says gustav coming I'm a leaving

  6. I pray for the safety of all, and that there will be minimal property damage. In the Name of Jesus. †Prayer Warrior At Your Request†  

  7. I'm panicked. LOL...I went through Katrina -NOT fun... I think it's that few days of uncertainty that gets me-wears me down.  Will it go west?North? Northwest? Every minute it changes, and you want to be notified.  I'm as prepared as I am going to be, I suppose.  My house stayed together for Katrina and we didn't get flooded, so I'm not too worried about that. I just feel like if I survived Katrina with no problems I can survive just about anything.  (I know things can get worse, I'm just trying to stay sane...LOL!)

    I tell you what, though, if another doozie comes up this way, I'm MOVING. I wonder why the heck I stayed after Katrina. I must be a glutton for punishment.  I moved to this area not realizing the weather patterns.  Why anyone would aspire to live here is beyond me.  Insurance won't do no good, even if you're covered they will ffind a way to weasel their ways out of it.... plus the headaches to make sure everything is good, 'just in case''s crazy and not worth it. I mean, you work and try to build a life just to have everything wiped away. Total B.S!!!!

    Sorry to ramble here...

  8. I'm somewhat prepared for it. I already packed my car, filled it up with gas and will be headed northwest to Texas after I get out of class tomorrow. I'm praying it won't be as bad as Katrina because Lord knows we can't go through that again...

  9. I actually wasn't that panicked until we started running low on supplies here. Gas stations are running out of fuel, and most of the basic supplies(flashlights, batteries, bread, etc) are nearly sold out in the stores I've been to. Some people I know are leaving. I've read from many sources that it shouldn't be as bad as last time though so I'm trying to keep that in mind. Also, I live about an hour away from N.O. so it shouldn't hit me as hard, and I've managed to get food and water in case my electricity is cut for a few days. Good luck everyone! Stay safe.

  10. I'm feeling panicky. Who knew Katrina would hit us that hard, right?

    We're packing up tomorrow, I HOPE that it doesn't hit us though.

    Tell your sister to quit being immature, hurricane nothing to play around with girlfrannnnnddd.!

  11. I'm cool and praying that nothing serious happens down here. I lived in Louisiana all my life. I just hope no one gets hurt, but me and my family are prepared. I live in the country of Louisiana; Zachary. I sure hope we don't have to evacuate.

  12. i am freaked out myself however i will leave if it gets close. i left for katrina and i will leave if i need to. my husband says he is going to stay but my daughter, my dog, my mom, and me are going to head north.

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