
Are you prepared for a war with russia?

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Bush has just warned russia to cease fire, or it's gonna be on no doubt, how do you all feel about this? will you think bout joining the military now? i already am joining the Australian army coz i kno that if America goes to war again already then we'll be right behiend em :D




  1. I'm join the Marine corps soon so i don't think ill make iraq so I'm ready Ooorah.. cant wait GET SOME MARINES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

  2. personally, I dont give a dang. Unless they try to nuke MY a$$

    then its kind of a big deal

  3. I will refuse to fight against russia.  They were in the right when they attacked georgia back. Who cares if they expanded past the initial territory in question, who taught them to do that? THE US. What do I mean? Well.. look at us in the middle east.

    I will gladly, and am gladly, going to the middle east next month. I will fight there. I will however become a conscientious objector if we went to war with russia for its current events.

    Will we go to war with russia? NO.

    We need russia, they own good supply of oil amongst other things. Thats why europe walks a fine line with russia, they can't let them rule, but they can't aggrivate them since they can easily cut the rest of europe off. Russia is our part time ally now anyway, and georgia is our little buddy.  I'm looking at it like a group of friends where two friends are fighting and keep trying to drag the third in on their side.

    I think the most we should do, and have done, drop off Georgia's soliders from iraq so they can defend their land.  Then high tail it out of there and let it sort itself out.

    If Russia goes back Georgia, should we step in then? Yes, unless they go past Georgia AFTER another country decides to help out georgia and russia then goes after that country.

    If no country helps Georgia and Russia goes past, step in then. Until that happens, stay the h**l out.  Georgia needs to learn if its going to attack bigger countries, it needs to be able to back themselves up, and not just assume others will help them out when they threw the first punch.

  4. I really think we need to keep our nose out of this.Georgia shouldn't have messed with Russia and now they are getting the snot beat out of them.

    Americans don't want a war with Russia,and Russians don't want a war(I have talked to some,wonders of the internet).War is not going to be declared,the worst that will happen is we rebuke Russia harshly.

  5. I just hope and pray that this Georgia-Russia conflict will not escalate to a full blown war that will involve other countries such as the US and its allies.  Certainly,  the US President (Bush) do not want this to happen after drawing so many criticism and condemnations on the Iraq interventions among others.  This is probably one of the reasons that embolden Russia to use its military might against a US-leaning Georgia.  They are well prepared anyway just in case US involved itself on an armed confrontation.  Pres. Bush is on a quandary...can he afford to draw another condemnation for defending an ally? or  he will just leave the Georgian president realized that in times of danger esp againts Russian, America and its allies cower in fear?

  6. Yep, if we go to war i am signing up! i am now a senior in high school, and if we are at war when i graduate i am joining the army. I want to fight for my country.  

  7. Georgia apparently thought they were ready for war with Russia, how's that working for them? I don't think the US or anyone else is really going to fight Russia to defend Georgia's right to kill civilians in South Ossetia.  

  8. Nothing will happen. No one wants to fire the 1st shot. Its the same thing from the cold war. We all have our fingers on the trigger just waiting but never starting it.

  9. h**l NO! my Hubby is in the army. s***w that c**p. I think George Bush  needs to eat **** and go there himself. lol Let him see what it's like to be in the line of fire.

  10. If it comes to that, that's what we have to do.  

    Thank you for serving.  Be safe.

  11. I am in my early 30s but if I can enlist I will ... If we go to war with Russia.... Which could happen.

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