
Are you pretty much incapable of getting mad at your dog?

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The other night I fell asleep on the couch. My Golden Retriever's usually either sitting or laying right in front of me. When I woke up there was a paper plate she fished out of the trash and tore into about 10 pieces and a small bottle of contact lens rewetting solution with two big teeth holes at the top. Total damages about two bucks.

She's looking at me with that innocent little face she always has and all I could do was clean up the mess and maybe belt out a weak "bad dog". Are you like that?




  1. Yes Lol.

    No Matter How Many Times He Pees On The Floor

    Or Jumps On My Leg; I Just Cant Seem To Dicipline Him

    The Way I should be.

  2. Im super incapable of getting angry at my puppy. He eats my socks, eats off the table and jumps up and grabs food out of my hands while I'm eating. I know it's not good but I cant get angry at him lol.

  3. Only with my Golden Retriever, she's just too cute to be mad at, and she always acts like a perfect little angel when I'm around. My German Shepherd is easier to punish because he's a big brat, but I still feel bad.

  4. Yup, for the most part at least, I try to be stern a little, and repremand, but it only lasts five seconds, and i give in... especially when they give me 'the look' I have to give in, she really didnt mean to irritate me!! lol... luckily my boyfriend can be the 'punisher' and i can still baby them!! All i want is to give them love!! lol

  5. Depends on what he did.

  6. Oh my gosh, yes!  I can't stay mad at him.  He looks at me with those big brown loving eyes, and I melt.  I can't lay on my couch anymore.  My dog is a 6 month old German Shepherd and is already at least 70 pounds.  His father was 120 pounds full grown, from the working police dog line, so I expect him to be close to that size too.  When I go to bed, he gets up on the bed, crawls up next to me and flops on his side, right on top of me.  He just wants to get kisses and hugs, but,  he's too heavy to be doing that now.  He crushes me!  I get irritated when he does that, but I still can't stay mad at him.  He's my "little buddy".  When Boo (short for Boomer) does something wrong, he knows it.  As soon as he sees me walking towards him, he puts his head down and rolls his big browns up at me.  He can be so sweet, and even though he's non-innocent, I can't get mad at him.

  7. Not really.  I have a guide dog and they aren't like normal pets, as much as she acts like one when she's not working.  She gets into stuff, lays on my bed, on my couch, and I can get pretty frustrated with her and sometimes yell at her (even though yelling gets nothing accomplished).  Do I ever get REALLY mad?  No, not really mad, just slightly mad.  I can't hate that cute face either!

  8. Not at all. I can get pretty mad at the dogs but have learned not to lose it by yelling or otherwise going off the deep end since it accomplishes nothing. However, they definitely know when I'm really choked about something, whether it was something they did or not.

  9. Yes I do have a hard time getting mad at my dog.  She does things sometimes and I get upset and she knows when I am upset.  I try to ignore her and let her know that I don't like the behavior she has done but it is hard cause she is just so cute and you are right when they look up at you with that sweet innocent look it is hard to stay mad, just like kids!  Does she have her own toys to play with?  Sometimes they get bored when we are sleeping so make sure she has a bone or a toy at night when you are sleeping so if she gets bored at night she has something to do besides look for something to do.  **** Luck!

  10. Pretty much.

    I usually get mad, tell him "no" in a stern voice, feel bad about it, and give him a treat to make up for it. I know its counter-productive. I'm working on it :)

  11. I sometimes get angry with my little Bichon Bella but it is hard to stay mad for very long.The way i show her i am not pleased with her behavior is to just ignore her.  I show her so much attention that she notices right away.  This morning i awoke to such a mess in my living room.  My little angel snuck out of bed and managed to steal 4 rolls of toilet paper. She shredded them to pieces.  Looked like wall to wall confetti!  They say to ignore them for a half hour but looking at those little brown eyes makes me give in alot sooner.  

  12. yes, I love my dog too much to get angry at her. I just say, bad dog!

  13. Heh yes, I'm like that too. When they look at me with those liquid eyes, all the bad feelings just go away. Which is a good thing anyway, because they don't really learn anything if you punish them after the fact. You must catch them in the act.

    I think this "not getting mad thing" is actually a very nice feature because my dogs have really taught me to control my temper and to have more patience. I have found that anger just amps them up even more anyway. Calm and assertive is best, with both humans and canines! :)

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