
Are you pro-choice because you believe in a women's right to choose to have intercourse?

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  1. I'm pro-choice because I believe in a woman's right to privacy.

    Incidentally, I also believe a woman has a right to choose to have intercourse.  

  2. Here are the stats. Rape and incest accounts for 1% of all abortions. 3% maternal health, 3% fetal health.

    The rest is convenience. For example 26% want to postpone childbirth so i'd love to hear what those ppl who talk about "alleviating harm" have to say about that

    Edit: If they didn't know what happened to them then there is a possible reduction in the legitimacy of aborting since it could  have been their weakness of will and they never knew. We can only speculate on stats that's true

  3. I am pro-choice because I believe it is a woman's right to choose whether or not she wants the baby,  because it IS her body.

    Of course women need to have the right to have intercourse because (1) they are human and (2) otherwise it would be considered rape..

  4. Most rapes are not reported so that 1% could be much higher. Not only that, but there are many cases of women who were drugged and date-raped so they don't know for sure if they were actually raped because they don't remember what happened to them.

    Many abortions are indeed done because the woman involved decided that now was not the time to have a baby. Maybe it's because she wasn't ready or she realized that having a baby could force her to drop out of school or lose her job. She might also have been abandoned by the man involved or had no family support. There are all kinds of reasons women choose to have abortions and they are not spur-of-the-moment impulses. I've always found that assumption rather insulting.

  5. My opinion is limited unless the mothers life is in danger. If men do not have a complete and final way of deciding against being a father it would be sexist to give that right to women only.

    (I am not talking about allowing a father to force a mother to abort an unwanted child but merely an option to opt out, I am sure sexist *&^%$# will try and insult that position but by allowing women the unequivable right to entrap a man it denys males the most fundemental human right of self determination).

  6. No, I'm pro-choice for a lamentable/draconian reason, because I know the impact of the quality/quantity of who is born.  

  7. I am Pro Choice because I believe in Women's rights. That the government should not interfere in women's health issues. I don't think a woman should be punished or suffer extreme mental duress just because she became pregnant,in cases of rape, incest. With all the forms of birth control available, and a woman still gets pregnant, the decision should be hers alone, not the governments.    

  8. No.

    I'm pro-choice because I don't think anyone knows as much about the circumstances and situation of a pregnant woman as the woman herself, so no-one else is in any position to make a realistic and practical decision.

    I also trust women to make the right decision for their individual circumstances and situation, with the help of those people they choose to go to for advice.

    Cheers :-)

  9. I'm prio choice as is my husband because we think that it's a persons and couples choice whether or not to have a child. Unfortauntely contraception isn't 100%, accidents do happen.

  10. wow. that is the ugliest possible way someone could define pro-choice while remaining in the realm of truth, snaps!

    I guess... really that's why I'm pro-choice, but it stands for so much more than that.

    Kris W- very mature, guess what else is sexist, pregnancy, labor!

  11. No, I'm pro-choice because it is the choice of the mother to abort an non-viable fetus.  Also, what kind of life would the child have if the mother doesn't want it to begin with.....

    Additionally, abortions aren't just the result of someone having consented s*x.  It isn't always their choice.  Teenagers are molested.  Women are raped.  Date raped....

  12. I'm pro choice because I believe a woman has the right to choose when and with whom ever consenting adult she will have s*x with.  I believe a woman has the right to control her reproduction, whether it is to choose to have a baby, to choose to not have a baby, to choose to use any form of BC she is comfortable with, to choose to abort a pregnancy that is detrimental to her health/well being and/or life, and to have fertility options available to her if she is unable to conceive naturally.  I also believe that a woman should not be forced to get an abortion if she doesn't want one, or that a woman should not be forced to face a pregnancy in the event of failed BC or rape.

    When it comes to "convenience" abortions, I'm a bit iffy on that one.  If a woman asked me for advice if she is faced with the choice of an unwanted/unplanned pregnancy and she does not want to raise children, I would advise her to consider adoption, but I would not stop her choice, or try to force her to choose as I did/would(adoption).

    Oh yea, I'm also pro choice because I believe in EXTENSIVE s*x ed being made available to all.

  13. pro choice--things happen-my choice

  14. No, because the choice is not between me and the woman...   The spectrum of situations is way too diverse to reach an absolute verdict on the "morality".    No   No   No way

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