
Are you pro-choice or pro-life?

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Are you pro-choice or pro-life and why?

I am pro-choice because I believe in the freedom of choice whether or not you (yourself) would have an abortion. everyone should have the right to choose what they do with their body.

what do you think?




  1. Pro-life. A fetus is not a part of your body in the sense that you're suggesting. Unlike every other cell in a woman's body, it has completely separate DNA and if nature takes its course, it will grow into a separate human life that, when born, is undeniably a separate human being.

    I think choice means 'the choice to decide whether or not to kill the separate human life growing inside me.' It's the choice to close your eyes to reality the of what you're doing.

    And women say MEN are the more violent s*x.

    However, I know women who've had abortions and it's not my place to harass them about it; they never seem happy enough about it, even if they saw no other way at the time. What's done is done. I'm past childbearing age so it will never be an issue for me (and it never has been - to the best of my knowledge I've never been pregnant.)

  2. I've always thought I was pro choice but lately I've been re-thinking my position on the issue for 1 main reason.  Some states permit a criminal charged with murdering a pregnant woman to also be charged with murdering her unborn child.  By charging the criminal for the death of the unborn child, that is the state recognizing that child's right to life (the whole premise behind the state prosecuting crimes - to punish those who violate rights of others).  Yet these same states permit abortions and call that legal.  Its like the pot calling the kettle black and it really has me confused on the issue.  While I believe in the woman's right to choose what she does with her own body, prostitution isn't legal either, and if a state can recognize an unborn child as a human with rights, then how can it also permit that unborn child to be aborted?

    The jury is out on this issue for me.

    Truth Seeker:  I know you're watching ;)

  3. Pro Choice because I am not pom-pus enough to think that I would know what everybody else's life is like to make a decision like that for them. These anti choice people think they know what is best for everybody but do nothing to alleviate the problems.

  4. Pro-life.

    Everyone has the "right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."  Notice the first one - life.  Once a human life has begun, it should be fostered, protected, and revered for what it is - a human life.

    Too many women have unprotected s*x because they figure they can just abort if they get pregnant.  This is the result of a hedonistic lifestyle that has gained popularity here in America.  Rather than encouraging people to take responsibility for their decisions (like having s*x), our society says, 'hey, just go have s*x, you can kill the baby if it's inconvenient.'  That's horribly irresponsible, imo.

    Once an egg is fertilized, it is alive - the cells begin to multiply, just like they do in every living being.  If it wasn't alive, the cells wouldn't be dividing.

  5. I am anti-abortion. I don't buy the pro-choice marketing tool because the opposite of pro-life is pro-death.

  6. I am both for freedom of choice and pro life. I don't believe freedom of choice really has much validity when it involves abortion.

  7. I am pro life.

    Because if you dont have time for a baby

    Stop having s*x.

    its not about "choice" its about being responsible.

    and if youre pro choice...

    you are a irresponsible person.

    and should go into your home and have someone come in and brake your neck then vaccum you up.

    How would you like it?

  8. Pro Life after Reading the History of Planned Parenthood! and seeing the website babies in the womb.  

  9. I'm pro choice because clearly is not pro life that's a term game they play, is actually pro suffering of women and society in general by unilaterally making decision for others or simply put is pro miserable life.

  10. Pro-choice!! because the government shouldn't tell you what to do in you personal life.

  11. Pro-choice. I don't think the government should interfere with a woman's decision to do what she decides with her body.

    I'm ready for the thumbs down from all the repubs who are on here and need to get JOBS

  12. Pro-life;

    Q: "Isn't it a womens right to choose, plain and simple?"

    A: I would say no, because it is not her body as many like to think, it is the baby inside her, not her body, thinking under that logic, would you also consider your son as your body, even after he's born, and since he's your body, you can have a right to choose what you do with him? A child is a living thing, not some "thing" in your body that you can do away with. Senator Joe Biden voted that there should not be an extra sentence for harming the life of an unborn child while committing a other crime, Sen. Biden voted "yes" on that, but he voted that he believes life begins at conception, just to point out.

    Q: "We dont know why she's doing it and its no ones buissness besides hers, is it?"

    A: That is also a failed logic. You could say that since her son that she can doing anything with, since it's her body, can also kill him after he was born if she wanted to, because that is no ones buissness besides hers. You see? That logic does not make sense. Yes, a women should be able to do anything she wants to her body, but an unborn, living child is not her body, as I aforementioned.

    As a side point, let me just ask you this? If a women should be able to do anything she wants to her body, considering the logic that an unborn baby is not living (which isn't right to start with, just following along with the logic to make a point), than why is it illegal to inhumanely abort the baby, and it's legal to humanely abort it, if it's not alive to begin with?

    Q: "The government shouldn't be telling women what they can or can't do with their body, should they?"

    A: To a certain extent they shouldn't, for example, them telling you that it is illegal to get a tatoo, that would be wrong, but this point that many pro-abortionist's like to make is failed because that 'extent' is broken, because it is a human life you are aborting, not some part of your own body.

    As a side point, If women should be aloud to do anything they want with their body, then why is it illegal to commit suicide?

    Q: "So your saying that if a mothers life was indangered, due to her being pregnant, she wouldn't be aloud an abortion to save her life?"

    A: That is when the issue becomes a choice, the mother then has the right to choose.

    Q: "How is a pro-life president going to lower the amount of abortions in a year, when they have went up since Bush took office?"

    A (and fact): That idea that abortions went up when Bush got into office is wrong. It is statistically proven that since Bush has been in office, the number of abortions a year is at it's lowest since 1981.

    Q: "How is making abortions illegal, going to lower the number, women are just going to find more ways to do it illegally?"

    A: How is making ownership of a gun illegal going to stop people from getting them? That is when two liberal logics contradict themselves right there. For example, lets just say assaulting someone was legal, hypothetically of course, and all of the sudden it became illegal, alot of people would still do it, right? Yes, but since it is illegal, and people still do it, make the punishment for the crime stricter, and less people will do it. Same with any law that is often broken, and cannot be stopped, make them fearful of committing it. It may seem harsh, but that it has to be to stop it.

    To Maria;

    "Pro-choice. I don't think the government should interfere with a woman's decision to do what she decides with her body."

    "I'm ready for the thumbs down from all the repubs who are on here and need to get JOBS"

    So if you didn't abort your child, he or she were born, do you then still consider it a part of your body, that you can do anything to or with? An unborn child is alive, when you have an ultra-sound, does it not show a heart beating?

    For a person so 'for' what you think is a "right", you seem to forget that everybody in this country has the freedom to be on the internet when they want.

    EDIT; Also, Just because people can say something is a "right", and it is okay to do, does not mean it is. There is a limit to what should be considered a "right", when another human life is taken, that in no way on this green earth should be considered a right. Just because you can say it's not alive doesn't mean it isn't, because it is alive, and it is wrong take that life. What really makes me strongly against abortion is that fact that some women use abortions as another form of birth-control, which is very, very wrong to do.

    To Chupate, So if someone makes the decision to kill another person, should the government not intervene and stop it?

    EDDDDDDIIIITTTTTTTTT! (only used caps to get your attention when you pick a best answer so I can answer the question you added in the details);

    Q: "What if the mother was raped?"

    A: Then it is choice.

    Q: "What about incest?"

    A: Then it definetly is a choice.

  13. Pro-choice.  The govt. has no say in a woman's reproductive health choices.  

  14. Pro-choice and Pro-Obama

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