
Are you pro choice or pro life?

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I'm 15 and having a child which i personally believe is a person [14 weeks along]. That is just my opinion, which doesn't mean its right, its just MY opinion. i considered abortion but after researching decided it was wrong. We all have an opinion, and I'm asking for yours, so if you could answer in a mature dignified manner, that would be great.

so what is your opinion?

[and i am not asking your opinion on me, or my pregnancy, or my age, so please just don't even bother. thank you]

do not critique anybody elses answer either. all i want is your opinion




  1. I'm pro-life, Christine, and I say good for you.  Sounds like you've got a very mature head on your shoulders.  Here's a ((hug!))

  2. Future father has to help financially. I do not know if he is still in school or working so I am not judging. Hopefully that your parents or relatives will help you with a baby. Extremely important: finish high school, go to college or trade school. I cannot stress your financial ability to care for a child in the future. Hopefully that that father still would help and will accountable for being a caring and nurturing male in a child's life. Future is unpredictable. Just be responsible and hopefully you and a baby will have a decent life.

  3. i guess im pro choice, but sweetie if you are 15 and werent raped, i think that abortion is horrible. Why kill an innocent living person? If it was the mother's fault, i HATE aboritons.  The only acception should be rape

  4. I'm pro life NOT PRO MURDER.

  5. I'm pro choice, but NOT pro abortion. I feel if you have gotten raped, or you point blank cannot provide anything for your baby, the best choice is abortion, or adoption. Whatever choice you make, its just that, YOUR choice. If you dont want this child,  you should consider adoption. If you want this child, have your parents help raise him/her, so you're not alone in this.

  6. I'm complicated. I am pro-choice in general because I think everyone has a right to make the decision for themselves, but pro-life for myself.

    Good luck. You sound like a smart young woman. I wish you all the best.

  7. Once the egg is fertilized it is a living being. I believe that abortion is murder. In the US, if you destroy an eagle's egg, you can be sent to jail, so what is more important, a human or a bird?  

  8. My opinion is that abortion is very very wrong and horrible and sad and disgraceful and disgusting. In my strong opinion, adoption is always the better choice, as may be in your case. If you feel like you cannot handle a baby, you could go for an adoption, even an open one that would still allow you to see your baby sometimes. Good luck to you in whatever you choose. This is a very difficult thing you are going through, and you deserve lots of support :)

  9. hav the baby. youll regret it for the rest of your life if you kill it. im pro life and though i understand that unexpected pregnancies are hard, its still a child and its not okay to just ends its life so that your own stays the same.

  10. I believe Abortion isn't the answer. It's the question and it should be left up to the individual/parents.

    And the whole thing with Rape and Pro-life people only in that stance, my thing is; isn't that child just as innocent as one that's born out of consensual s*x? Hmmm....

  11. Im personally pro-choice. I do think that abortion isnt necessarily a good thing, because it IS killing someone, but it should definately be an OPTION, just in case. ther r many diferent situations, and you cant make a standard rule for all of them. im glad you took the juno aproach to it tho, your baby will thank you someday ^_^. good luck btw!

  12. Pro-Life. Everyone deserves a chance at life.

  13. I'm sure you're a good person and all, but you did make a huge mistake, and an abortion just seems like an easy way out of it.  Birth is a huge thing, and if you're allowed to have abortions on a whim then that's not encouraging anything good or moral.

    I personally would keep the baby, but put it up for adoption.  There are a lot of couples out there who would love to be in the same situation you're in, and you could really make them happy by giving them something great.  

  14. I'm pro choice.  Isn't it great that you were able to do the research and make the choice that is right for you and your child?  I think that everyone should have that right.  While I would never choose to get an abortion because of the research I have done, I would never stop someone from making a different decision than mine.  I think that there needs to be more education available to women about preventing pregnancy to begin with; they should be taught about safe s*x, the morning after pill, and if they do get pregnant when they go to the hospital they should be educated about their options.

  15. I have thought about this quite a bit over the years. The wide spread of opinions is incredible, matched only by the passion of the activists on all sides. This is an issue that few people are even able to have a civilized discussion about. Complicating it further is that there are few that hold a black-and-white view of the issue. The majority of people in the US see abortion as a giant grey area with varying degrees of abortion considered acceptable. Very few people hold the position of unlimited abortion access or no abortion under any circumstances. Below is the process I went through to come up with my position on the matter.

    First, I asked myself the question at what point does a human being obtain "personhood" and as such gain all the legal and moral protections that status entitles them to? There are some who say that the point of personhood is 28 days AFTER birth, at which point you still should be allowed to abort. In fact, there is a professor of ethics at Princeton University that actively advocates this position. Others say up to the point of birth. These folks, such as Barak Obama, would hold that this type of infanticide as well as partial birth abortion is a reasonable procedure. This is the position that spurred “Born Alive” legislation that says if a woman attempts an abortion and the baby survives, that doctors cannot withhold care and let the baby die on the operating table. Or perhaps just before birth while the mother is in labor. Or 6 months of gestation or 3 months or three weeks. I wrestled with this for a long time.

    Then I looked at the issue a different way. Does human life have an imputed value or an intrinsic one? If we say that it is imputed, meaning the value is derived from something else, some outside criteria, then any one of the above positions would be equally valid. We as a society would decide what criteria to select. My problem with this is what criteria do you use? On what basis is a baby at 6 weeks more valuable than a baby at 5 weeks? Is a baby that has not yet developed a heart still a baby? This hit really hard on my wife and I when we lost one of our children. Lynne had a miscarriage a few years ago. When people with strong pro-choice sentiments gave us their condolences, they referred to the fetus as a child, even though she (we named her Grace, even though we do not know for sure if she was a she or a he. It made it easier to explain to the other children what happened and easier for Lynne and I to grieve our loss) was at the same gestational point, 9 weeks, that they believed abortion was merely removing some unwanted tissue of the mother. So, the criteria used is whether or not a child is wanted? If that is so, then why? The characteristics of an object of any sort are not contingent on another person’s belief or perception.

    By similar logic, if the value of human life is imputed, it can also be taken away, depending on what some person or group of persons believe that life is worth. So if you happen to be mentally retarded or black or Jewish, it would be perfectly reasonable for you to be killed off for the good of the community if the majority of them believe it. I have a friend who is paralyzed from the neck down and constantly in pain. There are some in the world who would look at her and say that she has no quality of life or that the money and effort to support her would be better used on others. They would have her die due to her handicap. But knowing her the way I do I find the notion that she is without a quality of life to be ridiculous on its face. She is a writer, a painter, and heads up an international charity. I’d call that a pretty good quality of life. So would her husband who married her years after her accident put her in the wheelchair. Thus, the imputed value logic is shown to me to be completely arbitrary. Following any of the “prior to this point it is not human but at this one on it is” positions is likewise arbitrary and is not able to answer the question of personhood.

    But consider the proposition that human life has an intrinsic value. That it is valuable simply because it is human life and no other reason. No measure or quantification of the value of it, it is and that is enough. It is sort of like gold. Gold is valuable because it is gold, not because we as a society stood up one day and said, “we are going to make gold valuable”. Gold has an intrinsic value as opposed to an imputed value, such as paper currency. Paper currency is worthless in and of itself. It has value only because we say it has a certain value.

    This position then would support a clear line between human life and not human life. With this position, you are a human at the point that you have a unique genetic code. In other words, at conception. Prior to that, there was no “you”. The male and female reproductive components in and of themselves are not a unique genetic code, but merely parts of the donors. It is only when they combine to create new l

  16. I'm pro choice, but only because i'm a firm believer that everyone is different and has different beliefs, feelings, and can be in so many different situations that since it is such a personal decision should not be generalized into an argument with other people who feel differently.

    I respect others opinions, beliefs, e.t.c even though I may disagree with them and I wish everyone could learn to do the same thing rather than try to push somebody into feeling the same way. Nobody is right, nobody is wrong, we all just have differing opinions.

  17. " are you pro choice or pro life? "

    Pro Choice . . .

  18. I'm pro-choice, without reservations or exceptions. Our homes and our bodies are sovereign territory, and what happens inside both is nobody else's business as long as there is no risk to other people.

    At this point it gets sticky, because there is also a person inside the mother as well. I still prefer to err on the side of the mother's (physical and psychological) health and well-being instead of the child. A healthy, fertile woman could choose to have another child later, then bring it into a happy home where it is loved and wanted from the start.

    I know some women who did not regret having an abortion, preferring instead to wait until they had finished their education and achieved financial independence. They now have husbands and families, and have no regrets about their decisions. It worked for them, and so in their case having an abortion proved to be a good decision.

    Call me cold-blooded, but I believe that the right or wrong of having a child or opting for abortion is up to individual choice. What works for one person will not necessarily work for another. And that, right there, is why I'm still pro-choice. It gives people more options than they might have if the decision was left up to the state.  

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