
Are you pro-feminism, anti-feminism or neutral?

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Just curious




  1. I've been called all three, and we can't agree on a definition of feminism.  I'm definitely not neutral.  I identify as Egalitarian.

  2. I believe in equal rights as well as equal punishment.  All people should receive the same opportunities when it comes to work (as long as they are physically able to do it; you wouldn't want to hire a 5'2 100 pound woman with no upper body strength to work at a construction sight). But at the same time, someone shouldn't be able to get a reduced punishment or no punishment at all because of their s*x.

  3. neutral.

  4. Pro equal rights, anti-discrimination, anti-hate, anti-feminism.

  5. As with the first response, I consider myself an egalitarian. I do not necessarily consider myself an anti-feminist because I believe most who subscribe to feminism do not hate men and "traditional" women, and do not believe women are superior. However my issue with feminism is it fails to address that men are still bound by traditional gender roles. I think both sexes have it s**+tty, but in different ways. I think any "-ism," really, stands on a platform of victimization, and that is very dangerous.

  6. Let's see... I have a pic on my wall which says: "Feminists: the little girls we need you". Take your own conclusions.

  7. Based on the definition of feminism I use, I'm neutral.  I've been accused of being for and against feminism at different times, interestingly enough.  I find some things about feminism I agree with, other things I don't agree with.  So I consider myself neutral.

  8. I'm pro-feminism, obviously.

  9. Yes.

  10. Yup.

  11. non feminism....

    Char pretty much summed it up.

  12. I'm a non-feminist/neutral. I support equality and women's rights, but I also believe men and women are inherently different and those differences should be respected and celebrated. In modern society, I think a universal human rights movement would be much more relevant and effective than a gender-biased one.

  13. I support equal rights for women. I am against feminism because the feminist movement has proved itself to be against equal rights for men in word and deed.

    Example of anti-male words from Germaine Greer:

    "God knows how many women already have no use for their men, who are all too often idle and incompetent both as wage-earners and around the house, uninterested in the children and hopeless in bed…"

    Example of anti-male deed by feminists - laws that persecute men:

    “Mexican men who display extreme jealousy or avoid s*x with their wives could be tried in court and punished under a new law”

  14. I'm pro-feminism, but that doesn't mean im anti-man.

    So many anti-feminists think all feminists hate men,but that's not true.

  15. Anti.

  16. I'm a radical EGALITARIANIST.

  17. I believe in feminism the differences in the sexes .

  18. It depends on what you call "feminism".  If you mean the kind of feminism that simply reverses the sexism and considers men to be inferior to women, I am against it.  

    If you are talking about the "feminism" that encourages women to blackmail or bully men in the workplace with threats of  sexual harassment suits, I am against it.

    If you mean the "feminism" that looks down on  the woman who chooses to stay at home and raise her baby instead of working outside the home so she has to pay day care centers to do most of the parenting for her, then I am against it.

    If you are talking about the "feminism" that indoctrinates women to have a chip on their shoulder so that they see sexism everywhere, even in places where it does not actually exist, then I am against it.

    The kind of "feminism" I am for is the kind that got enough women to demand their right to vote.  The kind that encourages women to get help if their husbands or fathers are truly abusing them (I'm not talking about the "he won't spoil me" nonsense, I mean the real abuse that leads to physical injury and/ or actual mental problems).  The kind of "feminism" that enpowers women to follow their dreams and to not conform to what one group or person expects them to do (but not at the expense of any children they might have, being a mother to children you have borne really must be the first priority: kids have rights and needs too) is what I am for.

    So, it depends on what kind of "feminism" you are talking about.  There are both good and bad aspects of it.

  19. Against both the good and the bad aspects of Feminism; to me it makes no sense when I'm the one doing what I need to do in the first place; then to turn around and give a simple word all the credit; no thank you.

  20. Anti-feminism

  21. all three or none. so yes. :)

  22. I don't like ideologies.. therefore I'm an anti-feminist

    Despite feminists using the False Dilemma fallacy (like George Bush--"Either you are with us or against us"), I don't necessarily disagree with a lot of their viewpoints.

    I see grouping together as "feminists" as sexist and based purely on agenda--but individual issues are worth considering.

    I definitely don't agree with the feminist theory that I've read... not the political information but the philosophical theories of social construction of gender theories.

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