
Are you pro-life? If so, how many lives you have created so far?

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Why cant the pro-lifers procreate more and fill the gap caused by the pro-choice abortionists?




  1. Good question. I feel the same way, if you're going to speak about it, be about it, or shut up. But I would say that I am in the middle when it comes to pro-life/choice. As a woman who is a feminist I believe that women should be able to choice when it comes to have a child or not. But also as a person who loves babies and want some of my own, I feel that babies deserve a chance at life.

  2. and for those who are prolife...but unable to have children....

    what do you ask them? do you blame them too?

    and those who are prolife..but realize they may not be good parents....what about them?

    or those who are not financially secure...and are prolife...what about them?

  3. I would think that the anti-abortion zealots should be adopting children already here... that were not aborted and are unwanted. They should be fostering children removed from abusive homes where they not a priority.

    I love it when I see the mom in the mini van going 10 miles over the speed limit, her pro-life bumper sticker and kids not in seat belts bouncing all over the place. What a hypocrite. "I'm not going to rid my body of a mass of non-viable tissue that I cannot care for when it becomes a viable human being... I'm just going to kill them all in a car wreck".

  4. what happened to food shortage and food prize going up problem we have on our hand right now. i guess those pro-life people don't care about it. and they also don't care about the children who are living a life under poverty as we speak.

  5. Gap? What gap? Isn't everyone panicking chicken-little style about overpopulation and how we're all gonna die if we don't stop having kids?

  6. we already have overpopulation why would you want to fill the "gap" h**l have you seen the size of the average hispanic family (not meant to be racist purely satistically speaking regarding the average family size)

  7. Besides my child, I've not 'created' life, but I've dedicated my career to the treatment of disease and inasmuch I've saved an untold number of lives.

    My opinions about abortion rights are irrelevent as I feel that those who are smarter than me in this regard, namely the Wisdome of the Public in a democracy and secular law can determine the propriety of this better than I can.  I certainly would prefer that if termination of pregnancy is going to occur, I'd rather that it be performed by a qualified professional, rather than an unskilled individual.  I've seen many people die from peritonitis and sepsis, and it's even more horrific when it happens in a young person.

    In my opinion, we have a moral imperative to protect and defend the elderly and the young, and I'd like to leave it at that.

    Apologies to the thought police as I've once again, spoken without your permission.

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