
Are you pro-one child policy?? why?

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Are you pro-one child policy?? why?




  1. only as it pertains to people other than me.

    why?  cause i dont want to stop having unprotected s*x  

  2. It's a poorly thought out plan for population control. Ask any Chinese man in about twenty years when they can't find a woman.

    Also, horribly unethical and against nature.

  3. Not pro one child, im pro 2 child. With this world as over populated as it is we need regulation. We have proven we are not responsible enough to keep our numbers in check and we are seriously destroying this planet because of it. No other animal on the planet acts this way. If we keep it up we will be out of resources in no time.

  4. Absolutely not!

  5. No. I think you should be allowed to have as many kids as you can afford to feed. Government does not regulate reproduction in the USA and it never will.

  6. You should be able to have as many kids as you can afford, but should have to be responsible about it.

  7. Seems to me like my race is still a minority so I don't think we need a one child policy

    we are obviously not that over productive

    limit the mexicans they are ridiculous with their producing

    scratch that no one should be limited...just send them home

  8. For unwed mothers, yes.

    I have no problem with any one who makes a mistake - but two or three or more?

    If I don't participate in the conception, I really don't feel too obligated to particiapte in the cost of raising the kids.

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