
Are you proud that a United States Citizen has won a Nobel Peace Prize?

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This is a proud day for all of us. An American citizen was given the highest honor for an issue of the greatest importance. Al Gore has never stopped working toward a solution for global warming, and now the world recognizes him for his tenacity and his activism.




  1. I'm always glad when an American wins, just not Algore. Rush Limbaugh was also nominated for the same award this year.

    How the UN can share in this award is just beyond me. They do nothing.

  2. So why hasn't he instigated the saving of energy instead of letting the US be as wasteful as China? Hypocrites all. When you dump your gas guzzlers for something more sensible, then perhaps the guy will earn it!

  3. it make me wonder what the rules are to be awarded the prize.

    how does trumpeting a fake cause achieve any measure of peace?

  4. Nope, its a shameful day when liars can achieve this. How can we find the answers if we follow the ones that don't walk the walk?

  5. "Of course we’re happy for Vice President Gore and the I.P.C.C. for receiving this recognition"


  6. The Nobel prize is nothing to be proud of.

    Shoot they gave one to Arafat for peace and the trader Jimmy Carter. As long as your a socialist and or anti American you can get one no matter if what your awarded one for is a pack of lies

    Its like the UN useless, corrupt, and ineffective as those that receive it.

  7. Yes, absolutely, yes!!!

  8. the peace prize is not about nationalism

    it's about WORLD citizenship

  9. *reads the question*


    *turns around and calmly walks into a corner*

    *bursts out laughing until tears flow from his eyes*

    *calms down*

    *walks back to answer the question*

    You guys REALLY need to check your facts. Al Gore's not the only one that won the prize this year. Poor Al has to SHARE it with the U.N. Global Climate Change panel! This year's prize was nothing more than a political statement by a bunch of environmental extremists.

    Al Gore has never stopped working toward a solution?! HAH! It is to LAUGH! HA HA! I guess that's why he uses more than twenty times the energy of the average American every year. I guess that's why that hypocrite's always flying around in his fuel-inefficient private jet!

    And don't give me that c**p about him living a "carbon neutral lifestyle".  He buy Carbon Offsets from his own company! He's taking NOTHING from his own pockets, and he's doing NOTHING to change his total carbon emissions!

    If all that and writing a "documentary" that is chock full of bad science are merits of a peace prize, then sign me up. It should be easy for me to increase my energy output to match his.

  10. Al Gore is an idiot. He does not deserve that award.

  11. Okay, I am proud that an American was chosen for this honor.  However, I cannot see how tenacity and activism in warning nations about global warming equates to being "the person who shall have done the most or the best work for fraternity between the nations, for the abolition or reduction of standing armies and for the holding and promotion of peace congresses".  I don't see how global warming is going to abolish or reduce standing armies.  On the contrary, I think if all these Doomsday predictions come to fruition, you will see more and larger armies becoming more and more aggressive for control of dwindling resources.

  12. congrats

  13. Yes, I'm proud that an American citizen has won this honor.

    I'm embarrassed to be surrounded by people who are so brainwashed by neo-conservative fascist propaganda that they can't be proud of a fellow American. I'm insulted that so many people parrot the same talking points to underline why they HATE Al Gore, and it's clear they've never actually cracked a science tome or made even the slightest effort to understand the Climate Crisis beyond what political pundits TELL them to think.

    I'm appalled that so many people are so selfish, rotten, and ill-tempered that they can actually find a way to justify the fact that they think conserving energy, reducing pollution, and caring for our planet a BAD thing.

    Outside the USA, the Climate Crisis isn't a political issue. It's a fact of life that doesn't split down party lines. Within the US, however, certain pundits who are sponsored by Big Oil, Power Companies, Mining Companies, Lumbering Companies, and government contractors have successfully turned something that the ENTIRE WORLD sees as a positive thing into a negative talking point and a rallying point for some of the more loathsome members of their party.

    I'm proud of my fellow American, Al Gore, for doing what he thinks is right and earning the Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts. I'm ashamed of many of my fellow Americans, however, because they're so blinded by selfishness, hatred, and ideology that they can't stop the hate for ONE MOMENT to say how proud they are that someone from our country- and a former Vice President, at that- received this honor.

    Bill O'Reilly will never win the Nobel Peace Prize (nor the Peabody, apparently). Ann Coulter will never win the Nobel Peace Prize (nor Miss Congeniality, ever). George W. Bush will NEVER win the Nobel Peace Prize... And this BURNS YOU UP so much that you have to just hate the prize, the recipients, and the very idea of American Ingenuity and working for the common good.

    Your idols work to appease the bankers and CEOs. Al Gore screws with their profits, and that is why you are instructed to hate him. Luckily for the pundits, you're TOO STUPID to make your own opinions or pick up a science journal that wasn't authored by a friend of Big Oil or the Bush Administration.

    The stupid are ALWAYS jealous of the intelligent. All the hatred directed toward Al Gore just underlines how many abysmally stupid people we're saddled with in this country.

    Anyone who uses Bill O'Reilly as a reference is a moron that deserves to choke on his own shoelaces.

  14. That is a good one. You are very good a satire.

  15. Decode this lyrics " Flashdance"

    Why not?

    Even when not good with other dreams.

    He still came out with flying colours.

    Without expecting it.

    Luke 10.21

    Finally he hit the home-run too.

    That can never be forgotten in time.

    But remember in time .

    In shaking an waking everyone up on Global warming.

    Well done!

    Mr. Hercules.

    What do you think?

  16. im just glad to see that not everyone in the country is a complete ******* r****d.

  17. Great choice. Great American.

  18. you just have to laugh at idiots like Keno.

    There have been numerous climate cycles, some lasting relatively short times. There was  "little " ice age in europe that lasted less than 300 years.

    There is not significant evidence that the current cycle is abnormal, It is just another cycle.

    The Nobel Peace Prize is meaningless. Yasser Arafat? c'mon....

    No, I'm not proud that an American won it; I'm not that jingoistic.

  19. I concur.

  20. NO, the SOB bought that prize just like Jimmy Carter and Arafat did.

  21. The inventor of the internet turned global warming pimp to advertise his carbon offset company won the NPP?

    I demand a recount

    and another

    and another

  22. No im sad that it doesnt happen all the time.

  23. Yes. Al Gore was a good choice. Not only is he doing something for his country, he is doing something for the world.

  24. I am proud!!!  A wonderful accomplishment.

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