
Are you proud that the JAMAICAN Usain Bolt is the fastest man in the world?

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well i'm jamaican so u can bet i sure am, i'm glad that it was a jamaican and not an someone else ...ahahahhahahahaha....ONE LOVE!!!! GWAAAAN JAMAICA!!!!!!![and no ,for all u ignorant ppl out there we do not say yah mon after every statement and it's not even yah mon it's yah man....chuh]




  1. IM SO PROUD!! Im a Jamaican (live in Manchester) and I am so proud of all the athletes.  Bolt is in a class by himself (and for all u bad-mind Americans, he is CLEAN...pure natural talent there).  Im glad for Asafa too that they won the 4 by 1 relays...Asafa on a good day is the only man in the world that can challenge Bolt right now.  Jamaica large and in charge...JAMAICA TO DI WORLD!!!

  2. I think Jamaica is really going to be a famous place now for track and field. Imagine having Usain Bolt's picture in mugs, pens, utensils, stationary, posters, advertisements, and other places all over Jamaica with a small script written - 2008 Olympic Gold Medal winner in 100, 200 and 400 m races or something like that?

    Wow, I feel so happy for Jamaica that their spirits and determination to do anything to succeed in becoming a true person in life is the reflection of Usain Bolt's performance.

    Usain Bolt is probably now one of the best icons in Jamaican history.

    Hope Bolt inspires all the children.

  3. I am soooo happy for Usain,.. and for the US, it is Justice a long time coming. Im a proud Jamaican, if you were not in jamaica during the Olympics you do not know what you were missing!!!!! JAMAICA TO DI WORLD!!!!!

  4. I'm not even Jamican and I'm proud of him. He's absolutely a fantastic athlete who deserves his title. Jaimaica is definitely taking a stand on track and field. I love you guys to death! Keep it up!

    -Later Gator-

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