
Are you proud to be an American?

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I was originally upset by Michelle Obama's comments and than I thought "I'm not proud to be an American either, in fact, I've never been proud." I will be moving from this country very soon (hopefully) and I was wondering if you were proud to be an American and if Mrs. Obama's comments upset you?




  1. yes, I am proud

  2. no. and i applaud barack obama's wife for saying out loud what most people are ashamed to feel and admit.

  3. Like any other Nation there is good and bad in America. On the whole though, I'm proud to be an American. And I compliment you. Since you hate America, you are leaving. Good for you! I really dislike people who spew hatred for America yet continue to live within its borders and partake of its system and wealth.

  4. Yes, but I am disappointed with bush and his foreign policies.

  5. I am very proud to be an American.

    I am not surprised Mrs. Obama would say such things.

    hope change change hope hope change hope hope change.....Whoa, I feel faint...

  6. I have never thought in terms of Country , I think in terms of Individuals.

    Have a nice trip!

  7. Yeah.

  8. It didn't upset me - I'd be a hypocrite if I said I didn't share the same sentiment at times. From the time I was in high school to now - we've been subjected to a whole lot of drama from two particular administrations.  And if you're a young person in the midst of this era, I couldn't imagine anyone NOT questioning the country's future direction.

    I am proud to be an American, but like I love my family, I'd be lying if I didn't notice my folks showing their @$$ from time to time. And I believe that this was the point Michelle Obama was making.

    So no I'm not upset or offended - could she have said it better? Sure.

    Should she be condemned for it? Absolutely not.

  9. No, I'm ashamed, America is evil for throwing billions in aid at countries that hate it when they suffer huge disasters like tsunamis.  America is so evil!!

  10. Not only very proud, but I feel I am lucky to have been born here.

    I am disgusted by the whiners that are so apologetic and "embarrased" to be an American. They need to never speak for me.

  11. Yes, I've been proud my entire life.

    Too bad Michelle can't see the benefits and joys of living in a free society.

    As for you, don't let the door hit you in the a$$ on your way out!

  12. I'm proud in the sense that this is the country of my birth and it has a history of liberty and opportunity. I'm proud of the noble causes it has championed and the progress it has brought to a grateful world. I am proud that at times it has fought for freedom and against tyranny.

      What my country and its government has turned into, the last decade, makes me feel ashamed. The fascist path is not for America.  I am ashamed of many Americans and the ignorance they exhibit daily. We have here the greatest opportunity for true liberty in the history of the planet, yet half the people are functionally incompetent when it comes to sustaining that liberty. We buy whole hog into the tripe corporate media feeds us daily. More people know Britney Spears children's names than can name their own Senators. Only half the people vote in most elections and half of them are intellectually unqualified to do so. That in itself is shameful.

       Mrs. Obama's comments do not bother me at all, considering her race and gender, I can imagine that from her perspective there has not been much exhibited by America to make her proud. I'm sure it was a spur of the moment comment (most likely taken out of context) aimed at highlighting the fact that so many voters are awakening to the ideas and hope her husband's campaign has brought into the light. I can see how America's response would make her proud of her country. I can also see how the republican right's desperate and vile campaign to smear him should make any American ashamed.

       Yes, we can change America into a refuge of liberty again, and for that I'm also proud.

  13. Michelle tripped on her tongue and of course the right wing lie machine is going to take advantage of it.

    It's funny how McCain's wife declared that she is proud of her country. Gee, what did everybody expect her top say?

  14. I am in agreement with you I am no longer proud, but this once great nation can and will be a reason for pride again once gw is out of course unless the american people allow them to cheat on this election too....I am not sure bush was ever elected, and if the recent show in the press is any indication we will never hear any real news unless the republican party approves it. If we stop watching tv and turn the sets off just for a week I bet we can let them know we want feedom in the press and we won't stand for anything less. This is still America and WE THE PEOPLE are very strong if we take a stand for what we believe in. Why don't we let the people decide this election with a paper ballot and we will count for our selves and report each precint like we used to. Don't let them controll everthing we see and hear. There are candidates out there none of you have had a right to hear because they scare those in power by letting us know our rights. We can NOT become complacent if we do, we are not going to life free much longer. Stop and look at your children, if you won't stand up for you stand up for them they should live free and stand tall like we did, not now tho. If things go on like they are now ,America will cease to exist, NAFTA is the beginning of the end for us, and those in power right now will bring our country down, we can not wait now is when we have to act. I don't trust any of those in elected offices now ,that have not looked out for what was right for the people that voted them in. Check out your people and take every one of them out of office that has sold you out. put in regular people like you and me who care what happens to peole and stand up d**n it so we can be proud again.

  15. Proud as can be and if some of these younger people had been taught American History in school instead of learning how to lose control of everything to illegal immigrants they would be too. Please read up on our Country's past and try to see where we once were and where we are headed I think you will be amazed.

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