
Are you psychic?

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What do you know?

Tell me some thing about me?




  1. i see something having to do with psycology...maybe child psycology

  2. I can't tell you anything about you, but sometimes I will just know something, like one day at work I thought to myself I haven't seen my mom's long time friend Barb in a long time and she can into the store (retail) not 20 minutes later. Other weird things like that, I try to say them now when I think them so people don't think I'm making it up, like two months ago my boyfriend got a new phone (and subseqently a new number) and I could just see numbers in my head when he went in and I stopped him and said "there is going to be a 4,6,and 9 in your new number" and he just laughed. He came out and his new number was 555-555-4369, he said you are a freak!!!  So what do you think about that?

    EDIT- Another time, I was sitting around and I started talking about a friend I hadn't seen in a long time, telling a funny story, and then the next morning I was still thinking about him and I thought to myself I have got to find his number and see how he is doing. He had wrecked his car that night and died that morning. Everyone who was there knew I had been talking about him. It was a lil creepy.

  3. most psychic have to have physical contact with our clients but there is noe quick way you can find out a yes or no question tie a cystel to a string and hold it a little above the palm of your hand and say show me yes it will move in a direction and do the same with no and then ask it a question this si not normaly how the device is made but this is good for one or two times per device but i dont use it anymore i dont narmaly need to i sometimes use tarot cards

  4. umm im not but i can tell you that you have an yahoo account, and that u are a human being.

  5. You're beautiful, bright, left handed, you have no boyfriend and you have a mischievous streak.

    And this answer wont get picked as best answer.

  6. get a life

  7. I'm not psychic, but I dream about things that happen sometimes. Once I dreamed about someone's house burning that I knew. The next day, my friend Logan had died in a house fire. His house burned to the ground.

    Freaked me out a little bit. :/

  8. You can be desperate at sometimes. You get depressed or stressed easily when alone.

  9. You speak english, you have an interest in mystical things. You are curious. You are likely female, but have an exceptional eye for things which makes you atypical. You want to discover something fantastical. You know all the horoscope signs and who you are best and worst suited to hang out with. You've played the Ouija board with friends. You have had some supernatural experiences and can recite them at length to anyone who wants to hear.

    I am not psychic.

    I hope you discover Truth some day and focus on that.

  10. Am I psychic? Maybe. But everyone has some psychic ability to some degree.

    What do I know? Well....everything I know would take up a long list, a list that starts with the alphabet and 2+2=4

    Something about you, you're drawn towards the workings of people's minds, and you probably spend at least 3~6 hours on the computer daily. You seem more drawn to children or young adults (teenagers). You also probably aren't the type who looks into mysticism allot. You're female.

    I also did not need to use any psychic ability to tell you that.

  11. Sometimes I feel like I am, because sometimes my guesses are right.

  12. You are a female, you like puppies.

  13. No I'm not psychic, but I do have the ability(call it a type of psychic if you'd like) to tell when anyone I am close to, whether they are near me or on the other side of the country, is feeling bad. I get this tingle up my back and get a little depressed. I can always tell who it is because I start to remember certain memories about this person. They are all I think about most the day. I always have to call them and make sure everything is fine. Most of the time, I'd say 8 out of 10 times, I am correct.

  14. I'm psychic. Here's something about you: You don't believe psychic's can see or predict anything any better than anybody else.

  15. You're lame.
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