
Are you quick to anger or are you more laid back and what sign and house is your mars in?

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I have mars in gemini in the 8th house,and i'm pretty quick tempered with people.

What about you?




  1. No, I am not quick to anger, but when I do get angry, I don't hold back.  Mars in Scorpio in the 4th.  

    Is that you Ron E?  Yes, I have noticed that about you, but you also get over it quickly too.

    Edit: okay, okay, okay Ron E - you only have to ask me 1X - LOL.  Yes, the placement does matter; so in my case, what boils my blood more than anything is when I feel someone is hurting my children - I'm very protective.  Beyond that, I get angry at indifference or lack of caring when someone (including animals) is hurt.  If I see bullying type behavior, I can just go ballistic.

  2. I get angered very easily.  

    Mars in Sagittarius

    Mars in the 11th house.

  3. I am still trying to figure out my mars thing. I am so easy to anger and I have problems controlling my anger(but i think my anger reacts to my sister) . But I am also an extremely laid back person so its kind of a mix. If that makes sense. Im a pisces

  4. mars in sajitarius i get pissed off real easy.....

  5. Mars in Libra, sometimes, I find that I just snap when people purposely do something to me that knows will p**s me off. Though strangely enough, I wouldn't ever let anyone know they got to me. I dont know, maybe its just my pride, or my Virgo sun, but I stay calm and just make a mean, sarcastic comment, and tend to walk away

  6. Personally, I'm more laid back until someone really pisses me off. It takes a lot. But once you've burned me watch out. Everyone gets an A in my book until they mess it up.

    Mars in Cancer

  7. Yes, I am very very quick to anger..

    mars in cancer

  8. I dont get what sign and house is your mars in??  whats that mean.

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