
Are you "Precognitive"?

by Guest31714  |  earlier

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Will you tell about some of your experiences with it? Thanks!




  1. yes i could always tell my grand mother that her friend was about to knock on the door, yet we could not see the outside of the house where she would have to approach.    i saw my grandmother standing at her back door looking toward my mothers house. she always did this when she wanted to go for a ride. this time i knew that she could not pass through the door, it was her spirit i was seeing because she had died. the smell of cigar smoke, a sign of my granffathers presence, is in the air just before a tragety. one day i said to my husband, there is something awful that has happened, it is really bad. just then the phone rang and my mother told us that my cousin and his wife were murdered by their son in law, the night before. there was a man in town that had a business. i was waiting for my father , he was getting his newspaper, as usual, after work. i saw this man, and knew immediately that he wouldnot live another 24 hours.  the next day, when we got home from work, my mother told us that this man died a few yards from his own front door. his truck had crashed head on into a tree, he died instantly.when people in both familys pass away, i know it is going to happen, what day, and the circumstances and exact time. this has let many of family members say their good byes, another words visit them before it happens. then there are the every day things like we are going somewhere, and something tells me to pack anti biotic and bandaids, or something silly like a nail file, or maybe headache medacine, or an umbrella on a sunny day, or an extra pair of shoes. there are many different things as small as that that come to me, and i have to listen to the little voice as i call it. when i didn't, each thing that was mentioned was indeed needed, and things went unattended. i had one precognition of a man trapped in a house, that was on fire, i told him about the dream, in a different way, and his life was saved. he had wood on his porch that blocked an exit, the one he needed, because the other way out was engulfed in flames. i told a friend about it and who the man was. we were at a Christmas party at the time. as i was telling her, this man walked through the door, surveyed the room, until he looked me square in the eye. he bowed his head and mouthed thank you. and proceeded to leave the room. my friend was stunned. she knew the man her whole life and knew that my story had to be true. i had my eyes closed and saw something go up in flames.  the next day my oldest daughterbegan to scream, she was boiling water for tea.  a piece of fringe on her bathrobe caught on fire and had engulfed one side of her body from waist to the top of her head. i had prayed when i saw it the first time. i went right after her in the kitchen, but she tried to run away as of that would put the fire out. i screamed at her sister to turn on the water, and literally dragged her to the sink. i forced her arm into a bowl that had water standing in it, and the rest came from the sink sprayer. when the flames died out, i checked her thoroughly. the only mark on her whole body was one where my long fingernail dug into her arm. only the clothing had burned. etc etc etc.

  2. I don't depend on dreams much, the only time I did , was when I was carrying my first child . It was in FebruaryI was about 8 months pregnant and out of a dream I was having, I ended up in a hospital. I walked through the rooms and found my father there. on a bed, receiving O2, then he took a breath and died.  

    It shook me. I woke up due to the bad dream, and told my husband at the time. I was very upset.

    I also was playing a game called EQ.  Where as you can create a character and it has the characters birth date. I made a character it was a necromancer, Which is a fictional character that can speak with the dead.  The date was Feb 27 2000, I was still upset so I called my family, I was living out of country.  Everything was fine with my father.  

    Later on to find out that my father's health was deteriorating, and he passed in the hospital a year later on Feb 27 2001, my mother gave me detail on the death, as per my dream.

    You seem to really want to know so much about the paranormal , with your questions, this a freebie, due to my copyrights.  

    Having an ability isn't a game. When you have it you wish you didn't. What the worst part is you pick up more, of things that cause human emotion. Which part of that is more negative?

    I rarely have the dreams, most things I do get is in my waking life. I don't need a dream to see things.

  3. yup ive been having dreams sometimes something  like a car will almost hit me and will hit me and then it might be a day, a week, a month, sometimes a year before it will happen to me in real life, i notice the date and time along with my surroundings and it almost immediatily clicks in my head around the time the main event is supposed to happen and ill either jump back onto the side walk or ill stand on the sidewalk and watch for the certain thing.

  4. Once in 1983, I hadn't seen one acquaintance or peer of mine for a number of years and had no reason to ever expect to see him again. He used to love the clicker pen with red, green, blue, and black, all one pen. One morning before school, just ONE morning, not every morning, I decided to bring that pen to school "in case I see him." Well we had moved to another city. It was a middle school and we were grade school friends. Sure enough. There he was.

    Thank you very much. Always flattered when people take an interest. Why I switched my profile back to public from private. The 360 has sarcasm so I hope users can laugh.

  5. No I am not.

    I have provided a link below for online psi games/test that do include testing for precognition.

    Further, the next link provides a web site where people can register/record their premonitions so there is proof that they were give before the event.

    The more you know....


  6. I don't know that I'd call myself precognitive, per se, but I have had many, many "dreams" happen in real life.  Those dreams are very different from "normal" dreams, there's a vividness to them, a vibrancy, and it seems as though I'm standing behind my own head watching the events unfold, and how I react to them, as well as all the other players in the dream.  They affect me more, physically and mentally, than normal dreams do, too.

    I hope and pray to God that some of those dreams DO NOT come true.  I've witnessed a very close friend kill a former lover and spend the rest of his days locked up, I've walked into a friend's house to find her teenage son (who is now only 9 years old, in real time) hanging limply from a noose, and blood splattered all over the room, and I watched helplessly as a drunk driver crashed into an rv head on at a high rate of speed, and how the people (including a little boy named Mustang) in the bus died as a result of the crash, all in dreams.  Precognitive?  Maybe, maybe not.  Maybe just an overactive imagination come to life.

    Or maybe I'm just losing it?  I don't know, but every time I have failed to heed a bad gut feeling, a dream happens in real time.  Some of my dream experiences are good, don't get me wrong, not all of them are that gory, but the gory ones are the ones that leave an imprint on my soul.  I see them for a reason, I don't know if I'm supposed to make a difference, or what, I might never know, but I do know that if I ever run across a little boy named Mustang, I will beg his parents to never, EVER go for a trip in a diesel pusher.

    FYI, when i was 8 years old I went to a bible camp for a week, and stayed in a dorm that was modeled after one of those big red barns.  The bunks were stacked three deep, the top one was probably 25 feet off the floor, and I, of course, being afraid of nothing at that point, chose one of the top ones.  The second night, I dreamed I was falling out of bed, and woke up to realize I actually WAS falling out of bed, and all I could think was "if you hit the ground when you're dreaming  you're falling, you're dead" then I hit the floor head first.  I could see myself lying there on the cement,, and there was a pool of blood growing around my head.  The door opened, I looked to see who it was (it felt like I was floating about ten feet above myself in the air), and saw my dorm counselor outlined in the moonlight that flooded in.  I looked back at myself laying on the floor, and SNAP, I was back in my body again, and oh my GOD, did that body hurt, blood in my mouth and nose, little chips of cement stuck to my face and hands, it sucked.

    After that is when the dreams started.

  7. A lot of times I will have a dream about something and it will come true.  this happens at least once a month.  I don't always remember my dreams.  That is why I say once a month.

  8. Denie, I'm sure you have anticipated what sort of response I would give, but here it goes...

    The main problem with claims of being precognitive is the things about which someone is claiming precognition (their "predictions") are only confirmed *after* they have happened.  I think if a person kept a detailed log of what he/she considered to be precognitive thoughts that almost none of them would come to pass as they were predicted.

    For example, let's pretend I dream on June 1st 2007 that I'm driving a blue Packard through the jungles of Costa Rica having a conversation with a monkey about vacuum cleaners.  Then, on March 15, 2008 I see a billboard with a monkey on it while there's a vacuum cleaner commercial playing on my car radio.  Is this precognition?  I would say it most certainly is not, but I am fairly certain there are some believers who would see this as nothing but.

  9. I've now and then had a feeling that I remember a situation and that I know what should happen next for several minutes. The problem is that I never do know what's going to happen next, it's just a feeling and it feels like I would know what a person would say next etc but my brain never coughs up the information before it happens. So it's likely to think that it's a brain glitch, telling me that "this is a memory" instead of "this is new".

    We usually assume that our brains are perfect fault-less and that everything we experience, see or remember is flawless. In fact little is flawless in reality and we should rather accept the occasional mishap as just that instead of believing in ghosts, ufo's and new age.

  10. I knew you were going to ask that.

  11. I am a bit precognative, but it's mostly things that relate to me and my life. Like I always know whose on the phone when it rings, I know when I'll hear from a certain next, whether or not to put my effort into something, that kind of stuff. Every day stuff. Nothing too big.

    Though I did know before my grandfather and my father died that something was seriously wrong. I just wish I'd have listened to it. December, around Christmas time, before my grandfather died, I got this really strong urge to go see him, like I needed to see him and soon. But I ignored it, he's always been there, I took for granted that he always would be. He died the following February. I got the same feeling two weeks before my step-brother called me to tell our father had passed on.

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