
Are you ready for cheaper oil?

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Are you ready to get rid of your SUV and buy a smaller and more economy driven vehical...Or do you feel you deserve to drive that monster car.... If you feel you deserve that big gas guzzler do you feel some what responsable for the oil prices...I was just wondering how people felt about it...




  1. What?

    Just got a new bicycle.

    Forget about it.

    Now getting used to bicycle.

    Cheap,cheap too.

    Good for health.

    In going green.

    Luke 8.10,17

    What do you think?

  2. I never owned a gas-guzzling car. I believe it is wrong for our economy (in fact for the economy of the whole world) to depend so much on fossil fuel. Just imagine every inhabitant in India and China owning an SUV ! What would oil prices be like? Not to speak of the pollution it would cause!

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