
Are you ready for nuclear war .............?

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Thats the question asked by Paul Craig Roberts the former under Secretary of the Treasury dept under Reagan

He goes even further saying "War with Russia is on the agenda"

Russia is monitoring NATO ships in the Black Sea -

Reports of Russia cutting shipments of oil to Europe are in the news

Rice says Russia's actions are not rational Russia says the US engineered the entire crises and that McCain is a crazed paranoid that wants war

Bush says the Russians have broken the law and that they aren't honoring the treaty - Russia says Bush is re-arming the Georgians and is using humanitarian aid as a cover - why else deliver "aid" in a battleship ?

Sound like the start of a world war to you ?




  1. America is. Russia, not so much.

    We could turn them into a 3rd world country before they were able to set off a cruise missile.

  2. I'm thinkin the same thing

  3. No. Noone prepares for or intentionally starts a world war. Go learn some history.

    It sounds like Russia is reasserting itself as an international power, and the West is only encouraging its sense of victimhood by resisting it. Which will lead to competition, maybe some conflicts, or maybe even a new cold war.

  4. Sounds like a return to the cold war to me.  I don't think that Russia or the U.S. want to openly face each other.  It could and probably would lead to some very bad things happening.  A war between the U.S. and Russia has a very good chance of ending life as we know it.

  5. Have you ever used a product from Russia.

    I have. A small airplane engine. It's the luck of the draw if you can even start the darn thing.

    I don't think half their missiles would work, much less make it all the way over here.

  6. World war is not the same as nuclear war....Nobody is going to resort to launching nukes, since that would also seal their fate, as crazy as Russia is, they aren't stupid!

    And no, I don't foresee world war 3. This kind of stuff happened throughout the Cold War, nothing new.

  7. As a former Cold War American submarine sailor, no.  We were closer to nuclear war with the Soviets during the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1963.  Secondly, all of our battleships have long since been decommissioned.  A guided missile destroyer is a very small lightly armed ship.

  8. Really no sense in worrying about it, The Bible is being full filled.  

  9. well if you were in that area delivering aide would you take a yaught ? and the russians did back off and let the humanitarian aide to be delivered. russia seems to be up to something, but  you are also wrong when you say Mccain wants war, there is a difference between wanting war and defending our allies , we must protect our allies all over the world its been the american way always. anyone that gets in trouble who do they call? the US always in a crisis just like the Kurds in Iraq needed us there. people forget 300,000 kurds slaughtered by saddam , we are not at was with Iraq , we are at war with insurgents sponsered by Iran to destroy iraq, they have tried it before. If we pulled our troops out of iraq just overnight , Iran is gonna walk right in and take over that country and the richest oil in the world. is that what you want for Iran to control the worlds richest oil supply, if you think were paying high prices now, just imagine if that happened. my lord no one could afford to drive.

  10. You bet your A.S.S I am.... lets do this

  11. not ready for it..........but do we have a choice????

    bush is a maniac....

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