
Are you ready for the 4th Amendment to be gutted?

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Fisa goes up for senate vote this week.




  1. Done that already!  Thanks.  You should also Be aware that there is a UN Resolution on the Table to Limit Free Speech called he Islamic Conference, leterally outlawing all other religious beliefs...So much for their Political Correctness and World Domination!

  2. Are you saying that Fisa will *violate* the Fourth Amendment or are you saying that Fisa will *repeal* the Fourth? In order for the Fourth to be repealed, it will have to be done so by a constitutional amendment. If Fisa is not a constitutional amendment, then obviously it will not repeal the Fourth, nor will the Fourth be "gutted." And if Fisa is not a constitutional amendment, then it can be repealed at a later date with another law, or get struck down by the Supreme Court.

    Viola. I hope there'll be no more Chicken Little style exaggerations.

  3. If you are a law-abiding citizen, your 4th Amendment rights will not be affected.  We need FISA  just like they have in England and Israel.  It works!

  4. FISA was enacted in 1978. What is under consideration is an amendment which essentially extends an amendment first enacted as part of Public Law #107-108 in December of 2001. That law passed in the Senate by a vote of 100-0. The FISA amendment contained in that law permitted electronic surveillance for a period of up to 72 hours without obtaining a search warrant from the FISA court. In effect, it codified what had already been contained in Executive Order #12949 by President William Jefferson Clinton in February of 1995. In the past thirteen years I have witnessed no gutting of the 4th Amendment.

  5. Why is this called the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act if they want it to be used more against American citizens is this like the patriot act where they say it's to be used against terrorism then all the sudden they check everyones bank accounts and local police use it to arrest teens selling drugs.

  6. No, I'd rather terrorists infiltrate our country and attack us regularly like they do Israel.

  7. No, hopefully this will go back to the Supremes and they will uphold our 4th amendment rights.

  8. Ya, thanks for the reminder

    EVERYBODY contact your Senators and KEVTCH a lot!

    Make them aware that YOU KNOW that the new law they are considering is UNCONSTITUTIONAL!

    This is just one more reason why in NOV. we must vote for the

    NOT a Democrat and NOT a Republican!

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