
Are you ready to be afraid.?

by  |  earlier

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A man was driving down a country lane and it was very late. suddenly his car broke down. He went looking for a somewhere that could put him up for the night. After about 30 minutes of searching he saw the Mansion. As per usual their was the lightening in the sky to give you the impression that this was a haunted place.

The man shrugged and rang the bell. a sweet little old lady came to the door and asked what he wanted. He told her that he needed a room for the night because his car broke down.

"Well I'm sorry" said the old lady, "We only have one room that you could sleep in, but unfortunately we can't let you sleep in there."

"Why not?" asked the man.

"Because every year for 1 night as the clock strikes 12, whoever is in that room gives a piercing scream and then is found dead. Nobody knows how they die, and tonight is that very night that it is to happen."

The man looked at her skeptical and said, "Look lady I don't believe in your superstitious nonsense...,

(don't go away)




  1. I don't get it.


    You added  some more and I still don't get it.  So the bottom of the shoe said Size 8, so he died before he got change to write anything, so what's the "joke"?

  2. Mines better ----------------------------------------... day in the office Sandra goes to the coffie machine for her break and stands and chats....Every day around the same time....Keith walks up to Sandra, he smiles, takes a big deep breath and says "Mmmmm your hair smells nice today Sandra" then walks off....

    this happens every day for a week or so and eventually Sandra has had enough....

    after he'd done it again on the monday, Sandra went to the personel department and said "i'd like to report a sexual harrassment claim"

    Quite shocked the personel officer asks on what grounds!?

    Well says Sandra, every day he comes to the coffie machine inhales and says"Mmmm your hair smells nice today Sandra"

    "well" said the personel officer, thats hardly sexual harrssment now it is it!!"

    "yes" said Sandra....."Its Keith the F****ing Dwarf!"..............

  3. How will I ever be able to fall asleep again.

  4. get a life

  5. zzzzz...zzzzzzzzzzz.........zzzzzzzzzzzz...

  6. cool, loving it so far, but is that the end?

  7. so those arrows are supposed to show where the culprit is?? so when the old lady looks she gets killed too? i don't think i  get it....

  8. I can't believe no one is getting this.

    Size 8 is the punchline - Duh! The guy was killed, didn't have time to write on his shoe, so the old woman found nothing on his shoe sole but the size.

    Come on people!!!

  9. I get that he didn't write anything on his shoe and the lady only saw Size 8, but I don't find it very funny.

  10. and then?

  11. Ha ha good one

  12. Dam whats the answer lol!

  13. i dont get it... what killed him??

  14. i woz lukin 4ward 2 a gd end

  15. So did the man take the room, and he was in-fact killed when the clock struck 12, and that is why there is no end to this story, because he didn't live to tell it?.


    EDIT: Ok so there was a end to the story, good one!!           size 8    I am sorry I am trying to laugh at this, but I cant quite manage it, to long to wait for the conclusion.


  17. common i wana hear the rest!!!!! lol x

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