
Are you ready to be drafted into the army(how dar someone suggest we invade attack russia!!)?

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or would you prefer to work with other nations to come up with more civil and fruitful resolutions




  1. NEWSFLASH!  There hasn't been a Military draft for 36 years. Stop with the scare mongering Horse s***

  2. Well if they start taking guys my age I'll know they're desperate.  

    You never know  The current clowns in charge don't look too shy about biting off possibly a lot more than they know how to chew.  

    Yeah I could see a "smooth move" like throwing a few army/air force squadrons in there escalating Real Quick for example.

    Under the right circustances I think a draft could be started up Real Quick too. And a lot of kids could headed for a real white christmas like they won't believe, whether they're ready for it or not.

    Well whatcha gonna do.

  3. cant be drafted. volunteered for the marine corps when I was a youngster and did  my share of killing. at least someone else can serve their country for a change.

  4. WAR!!!!!!!!! KILL KILL KILLL!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Nobody is suggesting that we invade Russia. However, we can stop their illegal invasion of Georgia by sending over a squadron of F-22s, a squadron of B2s, and a squadron of A-10s. Our air force is more than enough to stop the Russians and protect our ally without ever stepping on Russian soil.

  6. Rainbows and lollipops don't stop invading military armies.  But feel free to march around with a protest sign, that alwyas helps.

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