
Are you ready to go back to school?

by  |  earlier

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Don't be shy. I am looking forward to it. If not, tell me why.




  1. No, my school gave us work over the summer, and I'm not done with it all yet. Plus, I have to do 20 hours of community service next week!


  2. Yes.  I am ready.  Today I am finishing up the online course I took this summer.  Tuesday I go in for meetings.  I am teaching at a new school this year!  6th and 7th grade science.  I hope it is a good year and I like the new school.

  3. yup im going to this awesome private school (GA public schools suck!) going to be a freshman

  4. I'm prepared  and  ready for this!

  5. ehhh, not really!

    senior year and that scares the heck out of me! i'm excitied to finally be almost done but i'm also really scared cus i have no clue what i wanna do. and i don't want to leave all my friends. i'm definantly not ready for the "real world", i wanna be a kid forever!!

  6. i am kind of ready i am defintly nervous because i am going to middle school. i am ready because it is a whole new expirience. i am totally excited though. it is going to be awesome... except for the work part. ha ha!

  7. I am kinda since i get to c my friends im nervous tho since this will be first year being in highskool my cuzin calls me and my friends freshmeat! AHHHHHHHHHHH  

  8. noooo wayyy am i ready im gonna be a freshman im not ready for that

  9. I'm ready to go back

    I've been bored as h**l all summer, and I know my school year will be easy

  10. Junior year will certainly be the hardest. with SAT's? im pretty much fcuked.

  11. no because im starting a new instrument and i dotn feel im ready to play it yet.

  12. ahhhhhh going back tomorrow for mentor training- yet again- been teachign a long while and sad that the summer has gone and i did nothing

    got to get my head down and work before the kids come in.

    this summer seems hot - no rain -0 i wonder how that will affect the kids.  

  13. I am... this summer is way too long!

  14. Nope =[ I'm a freshman this fall and I'm not ready at all.

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