
Are you ready to meet your Maker?

by  |  earlier

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Maybe I am, one can't wait forever.

I've not been knighted and there is no statue of me in Madam Tussaud's, but I have been to Vladivostok, Kathmandu and Igoumenitsa, read "Decline and Fall" and "Burmese Days", played rugby and heard Harry Lauder sing "Stop Your Tickling Jock".

I think that's enough for this time around, don't you?




  1. Have you learned to care about humanity? Have you helped other people achieve some of their dreams by helping them deal with life more successfully? If not, not.

  2. no i haven't even started to live

  3. I have not been knighted and there's no statue of me, in Madam Tusssauds, but I have been to Oodnadatta ,Zambuanga and Galipolli, read "Romeo and Juliet" and "The Inescapable Self', played Golf and heard John Williamson sing "I Was A Young Lad".

    I may be in my mid 40's and have been close to death, through injury, twice.

    To Me, using some classic words, Life Has Just Begun

  4. hey irving..........

    no kniggethood yet...

    no statue either...

    i have not strayed too far from the beautiful land where i dwell

    nor opened the books you have read......                                   i have heard harry lauder sing......

    but i have been dedicated in song.....

    portrayed on canvas hanging on a wall.....

    climbed the path to the mighty hidden valley in glencoe.....

    wrote essays.........

    defied gravity......

    and heard a scotsman reciting shakespeare with much gusto in a very small toilet accompanied by a mandolin and the sound of many feet stomping....... i'd say we would both be satisfied with that.........

  5. Maker is always here with me.

  6. I certainly am. I know Him very well, He's my Saviour and Lord and my best Friend.

    Being ready for eternity has nothing to do with "success" or what books you've read or movies you've seen. It has to do with your relationship with Jesus Christ.

    I'm ready to go anytime.

  7. Whenever my time comes I hope I will accept it graciously.

    So far I have lived  a full and interesting life - I couldn't reasonably ask for more.

  8. No,No,No!!! I'm terrified of death. That is what you mean right? I have people who need me especially my daughter. I want to stick around for a good while, I have too many things I want to do and experience Plus I don't believe in a maker. I think death is the loneliest thing. You are completely alone no one can experience it with you.

  9. Not yet. There are still too many things I want to do and see first.

  10. You found my father?

  11. ah........ well I have n't seen those places and I don't think it necessary to travel or hear such things from this earthly world in order to transend into the spiritual world.

    Sure, I can wait. I like being here.

    Yes I am ready. It is a good thing that the Creator is so forgiving.

  12. No - my mum and dad and the thought of re-meeting them is one of the reasons I'd prefer to stay here for a bit longer to get a bit more strength thanks very much.  

    I fits just a euphemism for dying yes no problems - whenever - just need a bit more time to get used to meeting my makers who also perversely unmade me so I had to remake myself .

  13. Totally ready today, if I knew it would be soon, I would be very happy, don't know why some people fear death?.....Who would want to live 4 ever, not, I.....Bella

  14. im ready................................... but waiting

  15. My dad is dead so thats gone, whilst mum is alive and well

  16. definately, an im gonna kick em up the *** for creating me a S****y life too  lol

  17. You must have met him or you wouldn't be here.

  18. The day we are born to a parent, we are placed in the way of the pilgrims at a certain place, all our lives we seek to complete the rest of the journey ourselves. The distance from our parental sanctuary to the doorsteps of the mentions of our Maker might not a long, but it might takes us long to realise that we are there, a lifetime, or may time forever. From the day we are born we stand bewildered and behold the wide and wonderful spectacle of the world, on one side, a world of luring beauty and mesmerising power, of opportunity, of great promises of knowledge and excellence of a person.

    If we had been certain in the very start as who we really are we might have known who our Maker is and might have stepped right in His house; we might not have failed to recognise the magnificence most immediate to us within. If we had known better we might have eliminated the need of many undertakings of struggle, dangerous pursuits, and perilous voyages of exploration. We might have remedied the hurt before it ever was caused, avoided the pain before it ever got realised; we might have avoided suffering. I believe we know our Maker through our knowledge of ourselves, and ourselves, though our knowledge of the world, and its people.

    Then I might be ready to meet my Maker, just to realise that I have met him already. In my pursuit of my goal, death is not a condition, life is. I do not have to die to know the ultimate reality of my being I just need to live. And in life wherever I may go, and whatever I might do, I am never very far from my destination. I might often find myself bedevilled, overwhelmed or entranced by the lures of the world tempting me to take a lengthier detour, urging me on to prolong my journey, to deepen the mystique further, and to enjoy a little better. I think all my pursuits are only for a better knowledge of myself, and that when sufficient within that knowledge, I might eventually come to realise that what I have always sought after is what I have always had.

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