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Imagine you have won a free 3 course meal at my restaurant!

Which gastronomic delights would you choose ?

(sorry, the smoked kippers are off)




  1. starter - crab salad

    main - chicken curry

    desserts- cheese cake bananas ice cream

    a BiT mIx  MaTcH


  2. I'll order prawn cocktail.

  3. I'll have the smoked cod/creme fresche entree followed by the liquorice salmon on a bed of sauteed pigs liver...and the rhubarb puree, with prune consomme and shaved truffle.

    Oh...and bring a bottle of Wincarnis.

    By the way...'smoked' kippers is redundant.  Kippers are smoked herring.

  4. Starter: Christmas Pudding with prawns.

    Main: Christmas Pudding with chips (in the English sense).

    Pudding: Christmas pudding with brand sauce.

    Drinks: liquidised Christmas Pudding.

  5. Prawn cocktail, without the seafood sauce

    mega mixed grill

    banoffee pie with ice cream and cream

  6. Starters - Pate

    Main - Thai Chicken Curry

    Pud - Cheesecake

  7. Starter: Salad (tomato & mozzerella)

    Main: Horse steak and chips (it's an Italian thing)

    Puds: Tiramisu ice cream

    Drinks: Lambrusco or Asti or Limoncello

  8. FRUIT sorbet


    BANANA split.

    hence the size I am?

  9. App-Jumbo lump crab dip w rob mondavi chard

    Entree- 14 ounce roast veal with side of sweet mash -Castillo cianti

    dessert- Turkish coffe creme brule- grappa in coffee

    thanks for the meal it was delicious.

  10. Freshly made  sushi with  scallops

    Pad Thai with lots of prawns and peanuts

    Lemon Sorbet

    (yeah, I love Asian food)

  11. Wow okay right on!

    I'll have the salad. If its chopped iceberg and romaine lettuce and full of diffrent vegetables and maybe strawberries or peaches with the dressing on the side. If you don't I'll have a vegetarian soup like Minestrone or potato if its not made with chicken stock.

    I would have whole wheat pasta with sundried tomatoes, red onion and vegetables. I would have it with alfredo sauce since its a gastonomic delight! I usually stick to my vegetarian ways but I'll eat a little chicken mixed in  for this occasion.

    For dessert if you had some spice cake with a little chocolate or vanilla frosting that would be lovely!

  12. French onion soup, of course, a nice steak, and taramisu for dessert...

  13. Prawn Cocktail,Fillet Steak with mushrooms,Petit Pois and French Fries,followed by Eton Mess,ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!!!!!!!!!.

  14. Shrimp cocktail, Prime Rib w baked potato and cherry cheese cake.

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