
Are you really missing anything if you don't go to Europe?

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Are you really missing anything if you don't go to Europe? Alot of people treat it like it's a right of passage. From my research and all the images I've seen of every European city, they all look the same. If you've visit one you've pretty much seen them it seems. Wouldn't Europe appeal more to historical buffs?




  1. Yes and no. Europe is beautiful for it's history, sites and breathtaking beauty yet for some people maybe they aren't missing anything. I went to Italy and Greece two years ago and I'm glad I did it in the end! You get a better understanding of the world and feel worldly after it, so for me it would have been missing out had I not done it.

  2. Honestly, it depends on your interests as to whether you'd be missing out on anything.  I would definitely disagree with the comment that all European cities are the same -- they really aren't.  Prague is nothing like Dublin and Dublin is nothing like Rome, etc., etc.

    Consider the things you like and what interests you.  If those interests would be furthered by visiting a European city, then go for it if you're able to.  Or see where else in the world might have things to offer - including your own country.

    Edit:  Just a last thought - cities over here are like cities anywhere else, in the sense that they have things to see and do that appeal to a variety of tastes.  For example, in college I went to Prague with two roommates and we all had very different interests.  One was into fashion and cuisine, the other was into the art and music, and I was into the buildings and literary history - we all enjoyed ourselves immensely.

  3. Buildings look similar in everywhere. The intention of tours is not seeing the buildings; it is seeing different cultures that makes it valuable to see. You taste different delights with each of them.

  4. Well if your knowledge extends to a couple of googled pictures and you have summarised that a whole continent of up to 50 countries, each with their own culture, history, architecture, language & socialogy is the same, well then there is one of two ways you can go

    a) Actually get up off the comfortable sofa, vist for yourself and learn some first hand knowledge.  I have visited a lot of Europe and even one city to the next does not look the same in my opinion, let alone different countries!  Therefore I don't actually think your "research" to date is very extensive (putting it mildly) Learning first-hand, meeting people and having new experiences cannot be matched by any image or tv program

    or you can

    b) remain seated behind the computer screen or tv screen, and carry on living in ignorant bliss.......

    I guess that is your choice

  5. With such lack of curiosity, you´ll miss nothing.

  6. Of course your missing out if you dont go to Europe, you have one life to live and if you dont travel as much as possible your not living your life to the fullest.

    Europe has a lot of countries that are beautiful in many ways, you should definitely check it out for yourself, and let us know if it was worth it.

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