
Are you really satisfied with the creation story of the Holy books e.g The Bible, The Koran, etc...?

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I tend to wonder if the creation stories are either incomplete or too limited for man's exploration of the truths about the world. After all, We could have the kind of inspiratiions they had during their time.




  1. Before my answer..

    holy books are not story of holy books.  The Bible, The Quarran, The Bhagavath Geetha are the holy books followed by christians, muslims and hindus respectively.  what is the holy books ?  what it contains?

    see, we are humans.  we have will and pleasures, angers and peace, legal and illegal acts, saving and killing moods, literate and, in order to set right the humans to a right way, the holy books shows the way.  The holy books are writeen by our elders, scholars after several round of discussions.  They struggled years together to create the holy books.  The God gave essenses and our elders created the holy books.  The holy books are a guidance to humans how to live, behave, friend, kindness, away from ill acts, etc., you should see the essense of the holy books.  After all we have only a handful of knowledge and mind it we have learn to a mountain level.  With this handful of knowledge we are thinking that we know everything, and we act thinking we have achieved and got full knowledge and forgetting there remains mountain level knowledge.  you should not think that holy books related to a particular religion only.  It is the holy book showing best ways to humans. i answer your question.

    i am fully satisfied with the holy books. These are created some thousand years back by our scholars and Elders. it is fully completed books. it shows what is a truth and what is a fault. years can roll, but their creations never changed, it will never change.  They have no desires, no aspirations and their goal was on creations only. They are our great elders, their motivations are on creations only.  Their attentions never change or scatter.  Belief, faith, are main for our life. we are going out in the morning and returns only in the evening leaving our wife alone.  when you or i returns, will we have any doubt on our ladies?  how you view.  you and i believing the ladies.  you and i are travelling in the bus on the hope that the driver will run the bus correctly without making any accident.  how we travel when we are seeing many accidents? hope.  we hope that he will drive correctly. similarly, we believe drivers in train, pilots in plane.  when we are having hope over these humans, why not we have hope on elders who created holy books.  what qualification we have to find fault or to say it is complete or incomplete.  so, think over and get satisfaction.

  2. Very.  I do not see the Creation account in the Bible as restrictive in any way to modern science, except ethically (which I'm okay with).  The origin theory of evolution, contrary to some atheists' opinions does not provide anything relevant to the advancement of science.  It is a mistake to assume what we are learning about micro processing cannot be accounted for by the Genesis story, just as it is a mistake to assume that since micro processing occurs, macro evolution must necessarily have occurred.

  3. It took many years, several of which I spent in public school learning the new religion of evolution, to drain the influence and garbage that was put into my brain about evolution. Fortunately, I read a book called "The Majesty of Man." This book opened up my eyes about creation and my belief in the Lord. I never read  the creation account like this. Never did I ever think God did all His creation just for us. The book brought this out for me and changed my perception about my God and my faith.

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