
Are you really worried about the environmental problems?

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For example, do you know how many tons of water of the seas are being polluted by the cities? do you know how many trees are being cut down? or Do you know how many Deserts are increasing? and if you know about that, what are you doing to try to stop all this things?




  1. IYES!

    drive a tiny car that gets 38 miles to the gallon.

    I turn off lights when I leave a room.

    I recycle.

    I eat only organic foods, genetically modified foods are a DISASTER for our health, our ecosystem and environment.

    And I am voting for NEW POLITICS in Washington.

  2. dont give a ****if your lucky you,ve 80 years on this planet .......enjoy them and stop letting the dogooders warp your brain with how YOU should do all you can to save the planet.80 years is not long !

  3. Not worried, been going on for thousands of years.

  4. not so much the enviro its the mental ones that I have a problem with

  5. i am worried yes, and it's sad that so many others hold no respect other than for themselves.... I do my bit but sometimes you feel it's a waste of time when noone else seems to  care.

  6. Did you know that if you switch off your lights to save the environment that the power you would have used is still generated and simply goes to waste? Power companies produce power in anticipation of demand and if the expected amount of electricity is not used they dump it.

  7. I only worry about environmental problems I can control.  If China is h**l bent on single-handedly polluting the world with exhaust from their coal-fired plants (a new one every week opens), then it is out of my hands.

    Do-gooders from the UN drilled  water wells in Bangledesh without testing for arsenic, and now Bangledesh is drinking (and suffering effects from) water polluted with arsenic.  The UN has decided they cannot solve the problem of providing clean drinking water to Bangledesh, so thank God global warming is a quite a bit easier problem for them to solve.

    But problems I can influence, yes I do my share.  And no one should be dumping used motor oil or trashing the environment, or spreading mercury around.

    Hence I have no compact fluorescents in my home.  I'll pay a premium for LED's, but after all the work to reduce mercury emissions (and mercury is a bona fide proven serious hazard), the last thing I'm going to do is to bring it into my home.

    Just a note, there is more forest today in the US than 100 years ago, and it is increasing.  If Brazil, a sovereign nation, insists on clear-cutting rain forest, I don't worry about it.

    As far as what I am doing ... I have dedicated the last 17 years of my career to protection of the environment, and things are not quite so neat and tidy as Hollywood would lead you to believe.

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