
Are you registered to vote?

by  |  earlier

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Make sure you get registered if not!




  1. I am!!! OBAMA 08!

  2. you have to be 18 to vote it says in the constitution

  3. why do we have to vote?

  4. I'm not old enough ; but when I am , I will register (:

  5. the voters are coming out like ants at a picnic

  6. Registered Canadian independent.

  7. Yes.

  8. not until i'm 18....!

    some people are saying that this should be a really good election...but that's only what i've been hearing

  9. can't I'm too young

  10. Absolutely. I've never missed an election. In fact I work the polls ; )

  11. Oh yeah! I even forced my husband to register. Used a form sent to us by Democrats to do that. (He didn't register Democrat.) He was afraid that he would get jury duty if he were registered--and he did 3 months later. Now he can make sure that Obama doesn't win just like he helped re-elect the President.

  12. Yep

    19 year old first time voting, voting for Obama

    Our University has over 38,000 students and more than 90% of them are voting Obama

  13. Absolutely. I've voted in every election I could for 17 years.

  14. Yes, I'm registered!

  15. I just did it today...I am so proud of myself

  16. Why yes I am :-)

  17. I can't vote, but if I could vote, I would vote.

  18. Of course - always somebody or something I want to vote against!

  19. Nope...And I will.  In a few years time when its legal.  

  20. I think so.

  21. Yes, I was a member of the youth of America that persuaded the Federal Government to lower the voting age to 18. If they wanted to draft us and send us to Viet Nam we were going to have a voice in our country's government. I registered 4 months prior to my 18th birthday and have voted in every election save one since I turned 18. It was a special election in NM while the Coast Guard Cutter was underway for an Alaska Patrol and I did not hear about it until it was over. The question should be not only "Are you registered to vote, do you?"

  22. In the Uk you can't vote until you're 18, but I can go out and have s*x aqnd get pregnant when I'm 16. It's not right, voting should be reduced to 16.  

  23. Yes, I am!! And I am very excited to to vote for the first time.

  24. Yup, I always register.

  25. Yup.  I registered over four years ago.  I think I'd better make sure they know where to send my absentee ballot, though.  I don't think I ever got one for the primary.

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