
Are you related to anyone famous? and is yes then who?

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Kevin, why even answer then?!




  1. Im related to Elvis, he was my great grandmothers second cousin,

  2. Do you know anyone famous? Hehe.

    I don't but one of my old friends her auntie plays audrey roberts in corrie!

  3. 2 Irish Highkings Laoghaire {3rd century} and southern Ui Neeill "Nail of the nine hostages" {4-5th century) still had our lands till JamesII !!!

  4. If you mean in present times, not really, although 2 of my brothers received Purple Hearts and other such medals during the Korean War and Vietnam War.  My Mom was listed in the who's who for her state and an uncle was listed in the U.S. who's who.

    But, since this is genealogy, then Yes, from Charlemagne and various kings, queens, bishops and all that.

    But then, so are you and everyone else on this planet.

    See the book:  "Mapping Human History: Descovering the Past Through Our Genes" by Steve Olson, wherein on page 47 he states that everyone alive on earth today is descended from Nefertiti, Julius Caesar, and Confucious!

  5. Rob Roy McGregor (not directly but as part of the clan) and Robert the Bruce (on the wrong side of the sheets apparently).

    My aunt (uncle's ex-wife) is married to Tony Booth (Cherie Blair's father). My cousin sat next to Tony Blair at the wedding and talked about football.

  6. well apparently, i am related to the late hangsman albert pierrpoint! wether this is true or not ive never found out yet but ive always been told this by several members of my family. it would be interesting to know.

  7. i am distantly distantly related to Selena

  8. Snap to Janet W,  so is my husband. We were told at Christmas that my husband is related I am still researching that though.

  9. Everyone is related to someone famous, considering that if you go back far enough, we are all cousins.  Being 6th cousin 8x removed to someone is hardly exciting.  What IS exciting is being a direct descendant of someone famous.  Then you can say that so-and-so is your great-grandfather/grandmother and that you have their genes, and you owe your existence to them.

    For me, my great-grandfathers include William Byrd (was founder of my hometown Richmond, Virginia, an author, and his home he built is the famous Westover Plantation).  Also, Chief Powhatan, King Edward III of England and all his royal ancestors before him.

  10. Gene Hackman, the actor, is my first cousin three times removed.  

    I am also third cousin once removed to Jim Busta, the kick-*** polka king from Spring Grove, Minnesota.

  11. well, acording to ancestry i am related to a bunch. they have something to show famous relations, but they all have turned out false. They are based on One World Tree, which I have found very unreliable.

    From my reasearch, I am related to some people who have done important things, but I don;t know if they would be considered "famous" For example, my gr-gr-gr-grandfather was the founder of a small town in Maine.

  12. Distantly to Roger Moore by marriage.  The aunty of his first wife was married to my great uncle Henry. Possibly to Tony Robinson from the time team.  I was looking up the name of my great grandmother and came accross the Robinson family tree.  Much to my amazement part of my family tree was on it.

  13. King Harold of the Battle of Hastings, My father is a direct descendant :D

  14. no noone famous in my family, were ordinary commoners.

  15. Yes. Jessee and Frank James

  16. My great uncle is Pierro Manzoni. He's not really famous but they had some of his art at the Royal Ontario Museum last year. And, through two people, I know Eric Idle (I know someone who knows someone who knows him).

  17. yh i am but not saying who due to it being no ones business sorry

  18. Well my Dad was a sorta famous runner...but I doubt you'll have heard of him.

  19. Paul McKenna

  20. I am distantly related to George Bush.

    We have a common ancestor  back in the 1500s

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