
Are you required to get a national license to own a non-endangered med-lg exotic animal?

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I am not getting one but I was just looking into it and searched all around the USDA website and couldn't find anything. Animals like cuscus, marsupials(wallaby, kangaroo), raccoon-like animals(coati), kinkajous, non-sea otters, elephants, white rhinos.. I know there are a ton of locality laws but I figured there HAD to be national laws and regulations and a required license, but where are they?




  1. yes you do need to have license for keeping exotic animal.

    hears some websites

  2. Hi,

    It might seem weird to you but you've got it - there are no federal regs of any kind for (non endangered) exotics owned as a pet animal. This is intentional and it is meant to allow the states to regulate individual pet owners.

    However - if you have 3 or more breedable females you do need to be federally liscensed under the AWA (animla welfare act), the fees to do that are based on your anticipated sales.

    Some of the animals you mention would be federally regulated as endangered - like rhinos - but for animals that aren't (like kinkajous) there are no federal regs of any kind for individual ownership.

    But...there certianly are state regs and assorted local regs to be aware of (county, town, homeowners association, etc). To be in complinace you have to comply with them all.

    All the best,


  3. Try the DNR.

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