
Are you required to work overtime or is anything over 40 hours the employees decision?

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I work at a hotel at the front desk and the other day I got into a heated argument with my boss. What he was trying to tell me is that I was obligated to work overtime. I was under the impression that anything over 40 hours is your decision. The situation is I work fulltime during the week as a Night Auditor 11-7 and he put me on an extra shift this week 3-11 on a day that's supposed to be one of my days off. Now I don't mind working OT... it's extra money, but I had plans for today. Now is it true you are required to work OT or is he just being a d**k because he doesn't wanna have to work?




  1. an employer has the right to REQUIRE Overtime.

    If you refuse,  he can fire you with cause and you will not get unemployment

  2. I would say if you dont like the job, there are lots of other people out there that would be happy to take all the work that you dont want to do.

    As far as required, I would say YES

    you can always check with

  3. No it isnt always your decision.  They are required to pay you overtime, but they can force things like "every other sat" if it applies to every employee.  but sounds like its a little of both.

  4. Quit whining, i know a lot of people that are required to work overtime and i am one of them.  It's upsetting because i miss out on some family time even though the money's pretty good.  Until you're the boss, that's just the way it is.  There is no law (except child labor laws) that restricts an employer from requiring overtime; you can be canned if you refuse.  Your boss may be being a "d**k" but that's one of the luxuries of being a boss.  I'm sure he had to work overtime before he became a boss.  Earn yourself a higher spot on the totem pole and you can have somebody below you work the overtime.

  5. I used to work construction at the phone co. When the weather was bad many people were out of service so they would make us work 7 days a week, 12 hours a day. They called it "needs of the service".

    I would suggest you work it out with your boss that he will give a few days notice before changing your shift. It''s kinda messed up when they force you at the last minute to change plans.

  6. If you read your employee contract which you signed, the boss may inform you that you have to work OT as the situation dictates  provided he gave you advanced warning (and that would have been stipulated in you agreement).  This is to make allowances for seasonal fluctuations certain jobs have such as the hospitality industry.    If not sure, ask to read the agreement again so at least you know  you agreed to it initially - and you won't fume.

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