
Are you satisfied with the work of our politicians?

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  1. Not entirely, but it could be worse.

  2. YUCK!!!

    if some one say YES to this answer, then think that they are Illiterates. What do you think of our indian politicians? they are here to develop their own personal wealth. they won't have time to think about the public. they are visible to public only at the time of elections.

  3. Politicians have become too self indulgent. They have no clue what their votes do to the country. They seek out the perks and to h**l with what's best for all. When we vote we ignore their immorality and bad governing. Time to wake up and place people in Government that actually care about their responsibilities.

  4. No, not in the US or any other part of the world.  If they were doing their job to the best of their abilities, there would certainly be a lot less hostilities around the globe.  Social and economic problems might even be totally eliminated.  Instead, they and the people they represent (us) are too busy squabbling over something we don't own (the land).  If we keep bickering the way we do, the landlord (God, Allah, Budda, etc) may just kick us out.

  5. No.  I want elected officials who are conservative.

  6. congress?..senate?..nope

  7. I say lets fire the h*** out of all of them, and just start over

  8. are they working for u and me>   i dont think so,

  9. Heck no.

  10. no one is ever happy because they are not the politicians themselves.. all their dreams and beliefs are not being met..

  11. I'm definitely not satisfied at how the Republicans are trying to stalwart Pelosi's attempts at showing how great a Speaker of the House she can be. If you ask me, conservatives are good ole boys and girls never held high ranking positions in the good ole days.

  12. definately not satisfied.

    i lik that we helped the helpless in iraq, but we didn't do that great of a job.

    also we aren't doing a vary good job on protecting the borders.

    but you can't really blame everything on the politicians, we're tha voters.

    if a bad politician gets elected, its kinda our falt.

  13. yes,am quite satisfied with the way they quarrel with each other over silly and unimportant

  14. This question should nt be asked in the first place!

  15. I  am not satisfied with our politicians, we need term limits

  16. We are not at all satisfied but where is the choice.

  17. definitely not satisfied.

  18. Satisfied?  We have the worst congress EVER in the history of America.  They are a bunch of egotistical, over-paid crooks.

  19. ofcourse not.the only work they do is give false hopes to poor illiterate people,give long meandering speeches and make false promises before the elections and then keep fighting with each other to stay in power after the elections.a handful of those who want to genuinely do something are crippled by the red tapism prevelant in our system.

  20. No that is ridiculous as the Congress of this great nation has a lower approval rating that GWB now Mrs. Pelosi shut up about Turkey!

  21. I think congress is doing the best they can with the ridicules white house they have to work with.

  22. no way

  23. They all stopped being Americans to line their own pockets in my eyes. And unfortunately, Republicans willingness to pad each other's pork projects and allowing our president to rape the american economy and allow such waste and ILLEGAL practices only proved to me I can't trust them anymore. They know what's right and refusing to compromise in ANY way should prove to the american public that they should vote  the 'Independant or Green' tickets. Let's knock both parties off their pedistals and show them all we're sick of being the last on their food chain

  24. Not in the least.

    If they can get the stubborn jackasses out who exist for nothing but political grandstanding (Reid, Pelosi, Murtha), I might change my opinion.

  25. Congress-F



    Supreme Court-F

  26. By the simple fact that they are Politicians, they can not satisfy anyone entirely. Politicians are basically liars, they lied to get the job that they have. I like some and dislike others.

    I'm totally behind President Bush, I do not stand behind the hypocrisy that is the Senate and the Congress.

    Jack Reed is a joke, Hillary Clinton is worse, Both Kennedys should be whipped and Nancy Pelosi is terrible.

    Our only hope to survive any of this is to teach the American Public how important it is to vote with your mind, with the amount of wisdom that is needed to correct the ills of this nation and stop making foolish laws that harm the Law Abiding Citizenry.

    That's my take on it, hire honest politicians, that's a joke, there are not any.


  27. NOT at ALL,

    We live in a system  & ministers are elected to run that system not to rule or use it for their comfert or personal gains but they end up using their authoity for their personal gains & dont even bother to think about the public who elected them this is everywhere in each & every country i.e Bush promised health insurance for little kids or for the future American citizens, but never kept his word in the end he said its too expensive, but did anybody bother to ask him from where he got the money to attack Iraq or what was the need to attack , was he able to pove the aligations on Iraq or Iraqi govt,why still tropes are there, but instead the common people are paying the priceof the war by buying the highley priced daily comodities, & 'll continue to pay extra money & stay deprived of their rights & being manuplated, because they themselves do not bother to stop or question Bush govt,

    When it comes to India people are still the same they r engaged with the quarry how to make life comfertable & don't even bother what the country is going through what ministers are doing what they are supposed to do, for petty gains they make efficient use of religious differences.

    SO people WAKE UP recoginse ur rights & duties & let this world to be a peaceful  & beautiful place to live in

    until then


  28. All have limitations. My wife is not satisfied with my work. I am not satisfied with her work. You will not be satisfied with my work.

  29. No one in his right senses would be satisfied with the work of politicians who are more in the game for personal enrichment and self-aggrandisement than to serve the people who elect them.The only persons who would be  

    satisfied  with the performance of our politicians are their sycophants and cronies

    who get some crumbs thrown their way


  30. before elections or after elections!?

  31. No not at all.  They (all parties) turn everything into a theoretical partisan argument instead of thinking about how issues affect the people they are supposedly representing.  I think they shouldn't get paid, or at least should have much lower salaries.  Then they'd be in it because they want to help people, not for money and power.

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