
Are you saved? Are you saved?

by  |  earlier

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Are you saved? Are you 100% your going to Heaven when you die?

Have you accepted Jesus Christ as your savior?




  1. Go to h**l!

  2. Well let's turn the question around on you ?  Are you saved ?  Have you accepted Jesus Christ.  I don't think you have. Why do I say that ?

    If anyone looks at your Q & A's they would see that you ask a lot of questions about s*x with your girl friend.  The Bible talks a lot about not having s*x before marriage.  It looks like you already have or are planning on it.

    So if your having s*x or thinking about doing it.  You shouldn't be talking because your not saved ether. s*x before marriage is a sin and if you were saved you would know that.

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